Chapter 40

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It was time for their Meeting near the riverbanks. Fp wanted to have a meeting there to do something that he should have done a long time ago.

Emma, Sweet pea and Fangs were beside each other, talking to each other while drinking some beer, they saw Toni with Cheryl not that far from them.

"So how are you and Sweet pea, Emma?" Fangs asked, "we're fine." Emma said nodding.

"We aren't a couple yet fangs. Just wait for it." Sweet pea said making the three serpents laugh.

Fp went stood on the stage, looking like he was about to announce something. "Attention Serpents!" He shouted, all eyes turning to him. "Some sixty years ago The very first serpent meeting was held here in the same riverbanks. It makes sense why we did the meeting here not at the wyrm. So this is where i..." Fp paused, "Where i say Goodbye." Fp finished glancing at Jughead.

"Son, will you come here." Fp said Jughead nodded then walked beside his father having no clue of what's about to happen. The fantasmas were still there so there was a lot of them.

"Dad what are you doing?" Jug whispered, "What i should've done a long time ago." Fp said making Jug question his father, "I'm retiring from the serpents! For real this time." Fp announced making them laugh. "My boy here, hasn't stopped fighting for the serpents. Hell, He almost died because of it. Good thing we have Valentina who helped us Beat the Ghoulies at their game. Set that aside, Son, i'm giving you the Mantle." Fp said.

All of them cheered for the boy, But still, Jughead still doesn't have an idea of what's going on. "You are now the serpent king, Son." Fp said to Jug. Who just now realizing what his father did. "Thanks dad. I love you, Dad. And as Serpent King, I won't let the serpents die out... Not on my watch." Jughead said, all of them cheered.

"And as your first duty as Serpent King," Fp said extending his arm to Toni, Who is taking a red leather Jacket from her duffel bag and handing it to FP

"You know what to do." Fp whispered handing it to Jughead. Cheryl took off her Jacket and started walking over to the now Serpent King. Jughead helped Cheryl wear her Serpent jacket. She smiled at Toni, her girlfriend who looks like she just saw an angel.

But of course, Emma had to interrupt the moment. "Why don't i get a personalized Leather Jacket of my Favorite color?" Emma remarked all attention turning to her.

"What's your favorite color Emie?" Jughead asked, "Royal blue." Emma answered. "On your birthday Emma. On your birthday." Fp said making Emma laugh.

Toni and Cheryl walked over to Emma. "So, Girlfriends huh?" Emma smirked, "Yeah. We've been thinking about it since we've met so yeah. Finally decided to be a thing." Toni explained, "What about you and Sweet pea." Cheryl asked back.

"We're-" Emma cutted off Sweet pea, "we're together." Emma said all of them looking at her shocked, "i'm joking motherfuckers." Emma said playfully rolling her eyes.

"I hate you." Sweet pea said pouting, Emma just laughed. Jughead made his way over to the Group, "So Serpent king huh?" Emma said smirking at the boy. "Yeah pretty cool title." Jughead shrugged.

"I'm waiting for my Jacket, Jughead." Emma remarked making all of them laugh. "So who'll be your Queen or Second-in-command?" Toni asked turning at the boy. "Of course it's betty." Emma said in-a-matter-of-fact tone, "Nah. I was asking if you want to Emie." Jughead said making Emma laugh. "Nooo. I'll be the third in command."

"Fine." Jughead said, they had a nice conversation, when Emma went to go to her Mother and Max, Sweet pea started to talk about the plan. "So guys. You need to help me." Sweet pea paused, "I'm going to ask Emma to be my Girlfriend again. Like what we did last time. Pops and Roses. And how we did it. First goes jug, Then Fangs, then Toni and Cheryl then me." Sweet pea explained, "How are you gonna get the roses? Doesn't that need a day to get ready?" Cheryl asked.

"I already had them done. It just needs to be picked up. Like before, Jughead the pops. Cheryl and fangs, get your asses at Her trailer and hopefully we surprise her."

"Sweet pea you smart son of a bitch." Toni snickered, Emma walked over to them, "So guys, i already asked Fp, i'm going home. I'm hella sleepy, i didn't get enough sleep last night. So byeee." Emma said walking away from the group.


The five serpents were now standing outside Emma's trailer. Just like the first time he asked Emma to be his girlfriend. "Guys, are we ready?" Sweet pea asked feeling nervous with a hint of excitement. "Yeah yeah." Jughead answered handing him the Pops.

Sweet pea handed them each a flower while knocking, "Come in!" They heard a voice inside, they started to walk in, Emma was still in her bed, Sleeping. Not bothering to stand up or wake up. "Emma wake the fuck up." Fangs nudged her, "i'm awake what do you want?" Emma yawned sitting up, they handed her the rose. Already knowing what was going on she stood up.

"Emma, i know i fucked up. I know we could've still been together if i hadn't overreacted. So please, i am asking you right now. Can i be you boyfriend for the second time?" Sweet pea asked handing her the roses.

"Yes. Sweet pea." Emma smiled gladly taking the roses. "PICTURES!!" Cheryl squealed taking a photo of the two love birds.

A/N: so this is basically the last chapter. I hope you guys liked the book! Idk if i'll write another one for season 3. Byee guys!

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