Chapter 23

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    It was now their lunch time, The gang decided to just stay at the lounge at chill for the time being. Sweet pea, Emma, Jughead, Toni, Betty, Cheryl were inside the lounge getting to know each other.

   "So betty, How are you and Jughead?" Emma asked, "we're fine. We are now back together if that's what you were asking" Betty answered Jughead nodded.

   "What about you and Sweet pea?" Betty asked back, "we've never been better." Sweet pea answered. Kissing Emma's forehead. "Uhm hello guys! Mind the Lonely people here please!?" Toni shouted pointing at her and cheryl making them laugh.

    While they were talking, Veronica decided to come by the lounge and sit at The arm rest in sweet pea's side of the couch. "That turtle neck suits you. You look more handsome in a turtle neck, why don't you wear it often." Veronica flirted not caring if Sweet pea's girlfriend was just sitting  beside him.

   All of them looked at Veronica like wth hoe. "Because he doesn't want to look handsome to other girls besides me." Emma snapped, Sweet pea just nodded. Veronica rolled her eyes and scoffed. She leaned in onto Swet pea's ear and said, "i can treat you better Sweet pea. You won't get anything with her.". Making Emma stand up.

    "You see, your whore ways won't get to him. Wanna know why? Cuz even if you strip naked infront of his face you know what he'll still want? Me." Emma snapped, "eres solo su perra lateral ( you're just his side bitch)" Veronica said smirking. Not knowing that Emma's half Spanish.

"No soy su perra lateral. ¿Crees que puedes disolverme en español pensando que no sé ese idioma? ¿Adivina qué? puedo. (i'm not his side bitch. You think you can diss me in spanish thinking i don't know that language well guess what, i can.)" Emma said, Swinging at Veronica.

Veronica landed on the ground with blood on her lips and a bruise forming on her face. "Why did you do that!? Do you know who my father is?!" Veronica shouted while standing up.

"Oh we're in families now? Well you wanna know who my Parents are? I am the daughter of Valentina Rodríguez and Jacob Quinn. My mom's name sound familiar?" Emma said smirking at how Veronica's face turned worried.

Veronica stormed out, hiding her bruised cheek. "Wait what the hell was that Emma? Why did she got scared when you told her your mom's name?" Betty asked curiously, the others nodded.

"Just come by my trailer after school. I'll explain it there." Emma said while going to class.


   "Explain, Emma." Toni commanded. Emma was seating on the couch while the others were on the bed.

  "So My mom is a feared gang leader in Barcelona and Spain. But she isn't like the drug dealer type of gang leader. They just transport some weapons. They don't kill people for no reasons but if there is, then you're dead. That's why she was scared when i told her my mom's name. Like wouldn't you be scared if you tried to hurt the daughter of a feared gang leader in Spain? But my Mom's men are nice, if they know you. They talked to the serpent council to ask if it was okay and they said yes. But there's a catch, mom's gang and The serpents are allies. She had to take over the gang because she was an only child, and her father was about to die so he taught her everything my mom needed to know so she can rule the gang. " Emma explained leaving all of them shocked.

   "Oh my god guys. That is my fucking girlfriend." Sweet pea said pointing at me making me chuckle. "So our bestfriend guys is the daughter of a fucking Gang leader fucking hell Emma." Toni joked making us laugh.

   "I hope that that bitch Veronica finally grew a brain and learn that, you. Are. Mine." Emma said kissing Sweet pea. "Okay now PDA people! P-D-FUCKING-A" Jughead shouted.

   "I just had to let you know you're-" Cheryl said clearly knowing the song, "MINE!" Toni shouted singing along. "Hit it from the back and, drive you wild." Toni and Emma sang in unison. They continued the sing  until they forgot the next line.

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