Chapter 5

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3rd person pov
The gang was now in the Whyte Wyrm, Sweet pea and Fangs were playing pool while Emma and Toni were sitting by the bar. Watching Sweets and Fangs play.

Fangs loses to sweet pea for the second time making them laugh. "Give me the Pool stick Fangs." Emma said while extending her arm to get the stick. "Let's see if you can beat me" Sweet pea said while smirking at Emma. "Even in my sleep Sweets" Emma said while winking at the boy.

After sometime they finally finished. Too bad Sweet pea lost and Emma won. "Suck on that bitch" Emma said while giving the stick back to Fangs. "Oh please. Suck on this." Sweet pea said having a teasing smirk while winking at Emma.

Emma and Toni shared disgusting looks while looking at each other. "You're so fucking disgusting Pea." Emma said while faking to barf. Toni and Fangs did the same thing.


Sweet pea, Fangs, Emma and some other younger serpents just got out of a convenience store, while they were walking back they saw a boy in a red hood vandalizing some walls in the Southside.

They ran for the boy, "hey! You coming into our turf, Vandalizing a innocent wall. And people say were trouble makers." Sweet pea said chuckling at the last part. They boy was Spray painting a Big red circle.

Even though they shouted at him, the boy ignored them. Sweet pea started to get what he was painting. "Wait. You're the dude on the video aren't you?" Sweet pea said while laughing. "Awe don't tell me this is for the black hood" Sweet pea added in.

The boy finally looked up. And that boy was in fact Archie Andrews. The so called "hero" of Riverdale.

"I'm not here for you." Archie said while putting the paint back into his bag. "Shut up. You don't come in our territory, Tag our turf. Si why don't you get you're northsider ass and go back to where you belong or you're gonna make a mistake." Sweet pea threatened while coming closer, Flicking out his pocket knife.

Archie did the fucking unthinkable, he pulled out a gun, waved it at their faces shouting. "Who made a mistake huh? WHO MADE A MISTAKE?!"

Emma went infront so the gun was pointed directly at her. "Emma! The fuck are you doing? lets go!" Sweet pea shouted. "Wait the fuck for me Sweets gotta deal with this first."

In a snap of a finger, Emma kicked Archie in the gut, loosening his grip on the gun allowing Emma to get the gun. "You're stupid do you know that? You go inside my territory, Waving a gun at out face. While you can't even handle a fucking gun." Emma laughed bitterly.

Emma threw back the gun before punching him in the face, Pretty sure there will be a black eye in that spot soon.

"Let's go guys" Emma said walking past them. The serpents looked at each other before walking behind her.

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