Chapter 17

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"Start explaining Emma." Toni said. I was sitting on the edge of the bed while the 5 of them were standing infront of me. "Jug! A little help please!?" I whisper shouted at Jug. "Nope. You're gonna be the one to explain. Now you have a lot, so start now." Fangs said, crossing his arms.

"Okay, So my Mom is from Spain, i grew up there but we moved to Riverdale when i was like maybe 3? But my mom still taught me Spanish. Making it my first language? I don't know. Then my dad is full american. They met in Spain, then their relationship grew and so on and so on. By the way, My Mom's name is Valentina Rodríguez, My dad's is Jacob Quinn. So my full name is Emma Marie R. Quinn, The r is Rodríguez if you're that Stupid." I explained leaving me fucking breathless and they were in shock.

"Wait so you mean you were in Spain for like 3 years of your baby to child days, Then went here to Riverdale?" Sweet pea questioned, "Pretty much yeah." I said while nodding.

"Okay another question, How did your parents became Serpents?" Jughead asks, "are you interrogating me or nah...?" I said arching my eyebrow at how they said the questions. They shrugged in response.

"So uh, When my mom was 18 and dad was 19, dad already joined the serpents. So did Jughead's dad that's why our parents are best friends. After thinking about it, When i was young, my mom and Alice cooper were like best friends. I remember her coming into our home and hanging out. The Alice today is so so so so much different than Alice back at the day." I explained again.

"Wait so you mean to tell me that you're Mom is my girlfriend's mom's best friend? And your dad is Best friends with my dad?" Jughead Asked i rolled my eyes at how he always ask question. "Yeah yeah now shut up." I spat.

"One more thing. What did your mom said when she spoke Spanish?" Sweet pea asked curiously. "She said, you're handsome, That's a point. Then she said she know that you're a serpent, plus two points, then she asked if you treated me nicely. I said you treated me like a Queen." I explained the conversation.

"Are we fucking done?" I said my mouth drying out, i tried to stand up only to be pushed by Fangs and Toni. "Wait hold up. One more question." They said. "No fucking questions until you don't get me something to drink!" I shouted, Jug ran into my kitchen getting a beer from the fridge then throwing it to me.

"Thank you god." I muttered under my breath while chugging the beer. "Okay now that you're finally done drinking, back to the question. When are you taking us to Spain?!?!!" Toni squealed in excitement so did cheryl and Fangs.

"I don't fucking know. Maybe at you're birthdays." I said shrugging. Making them playfully role their eyes.

"We Need to go now Emma, see you tomorrow." Toni said while nodding to Cheryl. The others left as well, now it's just me and Sweet pea.

"Soooo did your mom like me?" He asks, "i don't know yet Sweets. But i'll make sure she loves you." I said hugging him. We pulled in on a kiss then went to bed.

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