Chapter 16

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Emma's pov
So me and the gang are hanging out in the Whyte Wyrm. Jughead was infront, about to make an announcement.

"Guys, Excuse me guys i have an announcement to make." Jughead said, all of the people in here are all listening. Jughead took a deep breath and said, "My dad will be returning tomorrow. His jail time was speeded up." Making all of us cheer. After Jug said that he went down the stage walking over to us.

"Pretty happy huh?" Sweet said smirking. "Yeah." Jug laughed. "By the way guys. I also have something to say." I said walking to a couch, Toni, Fangs, and Sweet pea seating by my side, having confused looks.

"Mom and Dad will be coming today. Later. At the afternoon. I want all you guys to be there. Jug, mom said you need to come. She wants to see FP Jones's son." I said. Making all of their eyes widen. "Wait what? Mr and Mrs Quinn are coming home today?" Toni asked in shock i nodded in response.

"But why do your mom wants to See Jug?" Fangs raised and eyebrow, "My dad and her parents are bestfriends. Her parents are Serpents." Jug explained. "Pretty much." I shrugged.

"So uh you and Jughead are childhood friends?" Sweet pea said i can tell he is nervous making me and Jug laugh. "Relax Sweet pea. I won't steal her." Jug said throwing his hands up in surrender making all of us laugh.

"I'm gonna go home. It's almost afternoon." I said standing up, so did they Making me confused. "We're coming." Sweet pea spoke, making all of them nod. "Get ready guys. Emma's parent are pretty scary." Jug said making all of them turn to nervous faces.


After cleaning up my trailer for a lil bit, Mom and Dad finally decided to show up.

"Hey mom, Hey dad." I greeted them kissing their cheeks. "Hey babe." Mom said coming inside. "Mom this are my friends. Toni and Fangs." I said pointing at them. "Who is this young man?" Dad asked pointing at Sweet pea. "Uh mom, dad his my boyfriend." I informed them making me and Sweet pea tense.

"Oh okay. El es guapo. Puedo decir que es una serpiente. ¿Te trata bien? (He is handsome. I can tell his a serpent. Does he treat you well?)" Mom said. I mentally face palmed my self knowing that My friends doesn't know i'm half spanish. Besides Jug.

"Sí mamá, él me trata como una reina (Yes mom, he treats me like a Queen)" i said in fluent Spanish making Mom nod. I glanced over Sweet pea, Toni and fangs, their eyes are wide as hell. I mouthed "i'll explain later"

Jughead got out of the bathroom, "By the way mom, there's Jughead" i say pointing at Jug. Dad walked over to him and hugged him. "How are you doing boy? I heard your old man got locked up." Dad said, "He's gonna get release tomorrow, mr. Quinn. You can visit him tomorrow at the wyrm. " Jughead informed making Dad and Mom nod.

After maybe two hours of talking with my parents and My friends. I heard a knock on the door,

"Hey Emma" Cheryl said as she entered the door, "Uh Mom, Dad this is Cheryl." I introduced Her.

"Hi Mr. and Mrs. Quinn. I am Cheryl Blossom. I am your Daughter's bestfriend. I have heard so much good things about you." Cheryl said full of confidence making my Mom smile. She likes girls with a lot of confidence.

"Hi cheryl. Nice to meet you." Dad said, "You to Mr. Quinn". Cheryl replied.

My parents got to know my Friends, they like my friends which i am proud of.

"Honey, we're gonna go to our trailer, we're a bit tired from the trip." Mom said taking her stuff. We all waved goodbye at my parents. When they finally got far, all of let out a sigh.

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