Chapter 26

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3rd person pov (time skip: The day before Emma's birthday.)

It was sunday, They don't know what to give Emma. So they agreed that all of them buy the gift together. Sweet pea had already bought her gift he's just waiting for the others to buy their gift.

They went around the town and to Greendale just to find something nice for Emma. "What's your gift Topaz?" Sweet pea asked, "i don't know. Maybe just some snake rings or something." Toni shrugged.

"What the fuck can i get her!" Fangs shouted making them laugh.

"Jones, What does Emma like?" Fangs asked turning to Jughead, "i don't fucking know. Some clothes or fucking jewelry." Jughead said, Cheryl squealed so loud that the people walking by turned to her, "I know a mall near here, Let's go there so i can by some clothes for my baby." Cheryl said. "Uh sure guide the way." They said while following Cheryl,

When they got into the mall, they left the Motorcycles at the parking lot in the mall. "So guys, let's just meet up At The food court. We need to be there by 6:00. Let's split up so we can be faster." Cheryl said, "i am taking Toni with me, Sweet pea and fangs, And Jug, you are by yourself. Bye." Cheryl said while taking toni's arm and running away.

"Where are we going cheryl?" Toni asked, "we are going to Victoria's Secret." Cheryl said while dragging toni to the elevator. "Wait why are you buying Emma lingerie?" Toni questioned laughing.

"Yes. It's the first thing that popped into my head. And i know her body and cup size so it shouldn't be a problem." Cheryl said. They are now in front of the store, "wait why do-- wait don't answer that." The pink haired girl said making Cheryl laugh.


Meanwhile, At sweet pea's side. Fangs still have no idea what to give Emma. "Man, what the heck am i gonna give your girlfriend" Fangs asked Sweet pea who just shrugged. "I don't know Fangs. I'm not good at this shit." Sweet pea said.

"What if we give Emma a polaroid camera?" Fangs suggested, "Sure. Let's go to the shop." Sweet pea said while walking around.

When they got to the shop they asked for the instax camera. "Hi we are looking for an Instax camera." Fangs said while entering the shop, "We have this Fujifilm mini Instax camera. It comes with 30 films. That's out best seller." The man said, since Fangs doesn't know about this things, he just picked that one. "Uh i'll just that. Thanks." Fangs said nodding.

"What color sir? We have Blue, Green, Pink, Yellow, and Black"

"I'll just get the black one." Fangs said smiling at the guy. After the guy got the Camera they paid for it then went around.

"Yow Sweets, what about your gift?" Fangs said curious, "i already got it. It's in my trailer in a black velvet box."


And in the other hand, In Jughead's situation, he still haven't gotten any gift ideas. He was walking around looking at the stores but still nothing is popping into his mind.

He decided to get a burger from McDonald's maybe a little food can get his brain to function. After he got ate the food he walked around again finally something popped into his mind,"Fuck it i'm just gonna buy her sunglasses" Jug thought to himself while walking over to the sunglasses shop.

"Hello young man, What are you looking for today?" The middle aged woman said, "I'm looking for large glasses, Maybe two. One in the normal circle shape and one in a crazy shape." Jug said at the Saleslady. The girl lead him into a cabinet and showed him One circle glasses that has polkadots in the rim of the sunglasses, and the other one is a large red heart one. He thought to himself that it was perfect, it was Emma's style.

"I'll take this two. Thanks." He said while taking out money from his wallet then walking out of the store.

It was about to be 6 o'clock so they texted eachother to go to the Food Court. They eventually arrive and each of them carrying a bag or a box. Jughead's eye saw what Cheryl was holding and can't help but laugh.

"Why you laughing Jones?" Toni asked, "nothing nothing." Jughead said still laughing. "Since you're all done, let's head back to Riverdale and talk about the plan." Sweet pea said while walking to the parking lot.


When they all got to Riverdale, they went to Sweet pea's trailer, "so tomorrow, we text Emma and tell her to meet us at the student lounge. While she's waiting we just barge in and sing her happy birthday then that. Done." Sweet pea explained. They all nodded in agreement.

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