Chapter 32

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    Time flew by so fast. It was now their 4th day at Barcelona. They only have 3 days before they come back to Riverdale.

   "So guys, where are we going today?" Toni asked, "I don't know Toni." Cheryl answered.

  Emma squealed, an idea popping into her mind. All attention was on her. "What if we, go inside the van, ask someone to drive us around Barcelona while we have a music festival inside the car?" Emma suggested, wiggling her eyebrows.

   "That is literally the best thing that came out of your mouth Emma." Toni remarked. "Let's go bitches. It's our 4th day." Emma smirked.


"Say little bitch you can't fuck with me." Emma sang along. All of them singing bodak yellow by Cardi B.

"If you wanted to. This expensive this is red bottoms this is bloody shoes." Toni, Emma, And Cheryl sang in unison.

The Music changed to Lick. They were having a Cardi kind of Music day. "Looking like i caught a lick." Emma said fake twerking at the middle of the van, Toni started to throw imaginary money making all of them laugh.

"Fuck him then i get some money." Fangs said singing along, the song always change every 1 minute they don't know why. Music was blasting through the speakers.

"Yeah fuck him then i get some money." Toni said pausing. "I need tongue, i need face, Give me brain, Concentrate. Apple phone, Prada case. Kill a weave, rock a lace." Emma rapped.

The song changed again, it was now Rockstar by Post Malone. "I've been fucking hoes and popping pillies, man i feel just like a rockstar" Sweet pea singed. "ALL MY BROTHERS GOT THAT GAS AND THEY ALL SMOKING LIKE A RASTAAAA" Emma shouted, lyrics are not that right but they don't care.


After they went around Barcelona, they got home pretty late. They all agreed to go to the bar again just because they want to get drunk.

They arrived at the bar, it was not that crowded since a lot is still in the training room. "So guys, Like last time. Me and Sweet pea will be at the bar, you guys can go meet us there." Emma instructed, they nodded then went separate ways.

"I want 10 shots of Vodka please. What about ya' babe?" Emma said, turning to Sweet pea when she said her order. "I'll get 10 shots of Tequila." Sweet pea said. "So i was wondering Emie, how can a lot of people here speak english when they are all born here?"

"You need to learn English." Emma shrugged Sweet pea just nodded. They proceeded to down the shots. Emma not getting drunk one bit. Sweet pea on the other hand is a little drunk.

After a lot of shots and tons of alcohol, Sweet pea said to Emma, "I'm gonna go to the Bathroom Emie. Stay right there." Then walking away.

Emma saw someone sit beside her, "Hey baby." Emma looked at the person and saw it was one of the members. She doesn't know the boy. "The fuck do you want asshole?" Emma spat turning back to the bar. "I want you." The boy said, Emma turned to look at that devil. The boy gripped Emma's face, Connecting his lips to her. Emma didn't move. She was shocked. Before she can respond, she immediately saw Sweet pea infront of them. Anger consuming the serpent.

Sweet pea stormed out the bar, After The boy let go of Emma's face, Emma punched him at the face. Immediately falling unconscious at the ground.

Toni, Fangs, And Cheryl saw the moment happen. They went over to Emma, "Emma please. Just let him have his time." Fangs said, blocking Emma from following Sweet pea.

"Please i need to tell him that it wasn't what it was. I need to explain to him how it happen please!" Emma pleaded tears falling from her cheeks. But still, Fangs haven't moved away.

"Just don't find him. We'll be at our rooms if you guys have worked it out." Toni said while pulling Fangs and Cheryl to the Elevator.

Emma went to the Entrance. Going outside to get some fresh air. She sat down at one of the benches. Her eyes becoming red because of all the crying. Emma just hoped that Jughead went with them here. So she could have someone to talk to.

After 30 minutes of staying outside, Her eyes were now dry. She can quickly stop crying. She went back down to the bar to see if maybe Sweet pea has went back to find her their.

When she got there, Her heart dropped at what she had saw. Sweet pea, Making out with a girl. They were practically sucking each other's face off. Emma marched over to them, when she got there, she pulled he two from each other.

"What the fuck are you doing Sweet pea?" Emma asked, Sweet pea looked up at her no emotions in his eyes, "Why are you fucking cheating on ne Sweet pea!" Emma shouted all eyes turning to them. Sweet pea scoffed, "wow. If i do it it's called cheating while if you do it, it was called a fucking misunderstanding. Why are you cheating on me Emma? You think i didn't saw you kissing the boy. You were practically whoring around. You have a boyfriend. And you still chose to kiss somebody else. I am speechless Emma. So why don't you run along and go find yourself a fuck buddy. I am fucking busy can't you see?"

Emma was beyond heart broken from what she just heard. "Oh okay." She managed to speak up, her voice cracks at the end of the word. She stormed out, running to the elevator. Wanting to go to Toni and Cheryl.

When she got there her eyes were literally a waterfall. Tears won't stop falling her eyes red like a cherry. "Emma what happened." Toni said sad at what she saw in her door.

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