Chapter 34

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     Max followed Emma's command. Taking all of her stuff transferring it to the room near Toni. He drove the black Van to the hotel she was at.

    "Get in." Max said. Emma walked inside laying on the seats. "We have a lot to talk about." Max said, Emma groaned. "No we don't. shut up and drive or i will get out of this van." Emma said laying back down.

    When they got in the Mansion, Toni Sweet pea, Fangs, And Cheryl were right beside the door. Clearly knowing that Emma was coming.

   "Emma! Thank god i am sorry for what ha-" Before Sweet pea could finish his sentence a cold exterior went into Emma. "Shut up. All of you get to the meeting room!" Emma yelled cutting him off. She walked straight to the elevator. So did the others.

   When they got their, Valentina was already on the big monitor, "Emma glad you're okay!" Her mom said, "Mom just get to the Point please." Emma said Valentina nodded.

   "The Serpents, our allies are being attacked by the Ghoulies. They came back from prison. Wanting to get revenge on Jughead. By the way, Emma you will be heartbroken at the news." Valentina said taking a deep breath. "Jug... He offered himself last night so there won't be any blood shed. They got him. Penny sliced of a chunk in his right shoulder. His face bleeding like he was treated as a punching bag." Valentina informed, Emma's faced dropped at what she just heard. "No no that can't be true. I talked to him last night." Emma said, "no mija. Apparently you and betty were the only ones he talked to before handing himself. His condition's critical. He lost a lot of blood but if he fights through it he can live." Valentina said, Emma nodded not wanting to show them that she's weak. "I have a question mom. How did you find Jug if he was beated by the Ghoulies?" Emma asked, "One serpent was running away from Riverdale. The serpent ran to the forest. There was Jughead. Laying on the ground. Good thing that serpent immediately called FP. Now back to the point. The Ghoulies said that they'll attack tomorrow morning. If you leave two hours from now, you'll get here tomorrow midnight. So i advise you get ready in your battle outfits. All of the people in this room will come. Bring all of the weapons from Section A1 to B1. The serpents need weapons. They are outnumbered. You need to get to the Airport before 11. Dismiss." Valentina said ending the call.

   Emma took a deep breath before shouting, "You heard my Mother! Get ready now. We'll leave at 10 o'clock!" They followed. Running to their rooms. Their battle outfit is always in their closets.

   "For Toni, Fangs, and Sweet pea. You can wear the battle outfit. I will be wearing both. My serpent Jacket and Outfit. For cheryl, you can wear the battle outfit, if you are going to fight with us." Emma said nodding at the group. They nodded then went out. Max went near Emma. "You know, you're gonna be a great leader." Max joked. "How many will be Coming with us?" Emma asked not bothering to laugh at the joke. "There is 40." Emma nodded at the answer.

   "Excuse me i need to get ready." Emma said walking out.

    After she got ready, she dressed into the Black outfit. Wearing her Black combat boots. She packed all of her stuff. She took a quick glance at the brass knuckles Sweet pea gave her. She though it would be nice if she used it. She wants the Ghoulies's blood on her weapons. Payback for what they did to Jughead.


  They were now outside. Loading the vans with the weapons and also with their stuff. "Max. Tell someone in the house outside to guard this. Make sure it doesn't have a scratch." Emma commanded Max just nodded.

  After they were done, they got to the airport before 11. They loaded the stuff in the compartments. While each member took a seat. Emma sat by Toni and Cheryl.

  "Hey Emma. Why were you cold when you were giving the orders that your mom gave." Toni asked curiously, "i want to make them pay for what they did to Jug. If we are successful. I will find Penny myself. Torture her. Take out the same chuck she did with jug along with the other ghoulies." Emma said a devilish smirk forming on her lips. 

   They got there like what Valentina said. Midnight. "How the hell are we supposed to get to there with all of us." Emma asked Max. "I don't know Emma." Max answered. When they got down, she saw a familiar Redhead, with a old man who looks like his father. There was 5 motorcycles on the ground. Emma smirked at herself knowing it was for the five of them.

   "Okay so, half you guys will go with my son Archie. After you got seated in the truck, We'll cover you so you don't get spotted by the ghoulies or what you call them." Fred andrews instructed. All of them went on top of the two trucks. "Emma, you guys already know what the motorcycles are for." Fred said. They hopped in the motorcycles when the members were fitted and hidden.

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