Chapter 4

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3rd person pov
Jughead got the red and black newspaper re-opened again. Sadly, the Ghoulies got to him when he was about to go home.

"Jug, i have told you so many times, Wear a Helmet every time you ride a motorcycle or bike!" Betty scolds Jughead as she cleans his face from the cuts. "Yeah yeah i'm sorry." Jughead apologized

"Toni. Please keep an eye on him." Betty said to Toni who was looking at Jug suspiciously. "Uh sure." Toni said smiling. "Okay i got to go. Mom's gonna be suspicious why i wasn't in my room. Bye." Betty aaid while going out the door.

"You really aren't gonna tell her what really happened?" Toni asked, making Jughead shook his head no. "Why?" Toni questions. "Because, If she finds out, she will go to Southside High everyday if she has some free time. I just don't want her to get hurt." Jughead explains. "Fine." Toni said while handing him a pack of ice.


It was now lunch (it's the next day). Jughead finally decided to seat with the serpents to dodge any more injuries.

"The Ghoulies got you huh?" Emma asks while raising her eyebrow, already knowing the answer."Yeah. Pretty much." Jughead said.

Sweet pea couldn't help but laugh, "Told you guys he'd come crawling to us after he got a taste of the Ghoulies."

"Shut the fuck up Sweets." Toni growled at Sweet pea making the tall serpent boy roll his eyes.

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