Chapter 31

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    "Why the hell were you fighting?" Max questioned while the two boys were sitting on a chair. "Emma's fucking mine." Sweet pea spat making Zach chuckle.

    "She's never your's. She will be mine just wait for it." Zach smirked making Sweet pea stand, Max banged his fist on the table, placing gloves on he table. "You want to fight each other? Then here's the gloves now fight each other i dare you." Max said. Sweet pea sat back down to his seat. Nobody making a move.


   "So fangs, see any hottie yet?" Toni said wiggling her eyebrows making Fangs and the others laugh. "No not yet."

   They were at the gaming room, playing some cod while waiting for Sweet pea. "Hey Emma, Why did you say that you'll feed Sweet pea and the other guy to you mother's lion?" Cheryl asked, Emma laughed at her question, "My mom has another house, it has two lions as it's guards." Emma shrugged making them widen their eyes.

    "Hey since sweet pea is still not here wanna go out and take pictures?" Emma said, wiggling her brows. "Let's go bitches." Toni said while going out and hopping on to the motorcycle.


   After going around barcelona and taking pictures in like every Street they were finally done. They head back to the Mansion, Sweet pea was at the couch near a television, "Hey Emi! I missed you!" Sweet pea said while standing up.

   "Missed you too. So how'd detention with max went?" Emma said, "it was scary. He's scary. But i got to let Zach know your mine." Sweet pea said kissing Emma in the forehead.

   They were at the Gaming room all day, When it was night time, they decided to go to the bar. "So are you guys ready?" Cheryl said while going out of her Room. The others nodded while walking to the elevator.

   There was a lot of people at the bar, there was girls walking around and bartenders. "Hey Me and Sweet pea. We'll be at the bar. Let's meet up at our rooms." Emma said while dragging sweet pea to the bar.

    "A row of vodka please." Emma said, the bartender nodded then proceeded to get the shot glasses. "So Sweets, what did Max scolded you about?"

    "He said that i need to stop having fights, it's not good for the gang. And a little more about controlling jealousy but we're fine."

  "Oh okay. Take this shots. Tomorrow we will go around Barcelona." Emma said, handing him a glass. Emma downed the whole row without making a face. "That's enough Emma." Sweet pea said before

   Emma pouted at how Sweet pea stopped the bartender from giving her shots. "Let's go find Cheryl, Toni, And Fangs so we can dance with them." Emma said Sweet pea nodded then followed Emma.


After partying the whole night, they finally decided to go back to their rooms. Emma was not that drunk, she was a heavy drinker that's for sure.

Everyone else was already in their rooms, Sweet pea was laying down in their bed, scrolling to his feed. When he saw a figure by the door.

The Lights were off, He couldn't see anything so he opened the lamp, There he saw, His Queen. Wearing the black lingerie Cheryl gave her. It was fitted and looked amazing in her body.

"Hi there." Emma said strutting over to Sweet pea. "Damn baby when did you pack this?" Sweet pea smirked pulling her to the bed. "When you guys dashed out of my trailer." Emma said straddling Sweet pea's lap.

They had a Steamy Night. Sweet pea had one hell of a night.

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