Chapter 37

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     A week after the fight with the Ghoulies and everything had been back to normal. Well except that Jughead is still in the Hospital. His Bestfriends visit him every other day while Betty visits him everyday.

    Each day, Sweet pea and Emma's past relationship started grow back. Although, Emma hasn't actually said yes to Sweet pea but she's getting there.

  "So guys, Wanna visit Jug later on today?" Emma asked. The group were in the Wyrm, except Cheryl. "Sure Emie." Sweet pea answered.

  Emma walked over to Fangs's side of the pool table. He was currently losing to Sweet pea, "Scoot. Give the Stick." Emma said. Fangs rolled his eyes giving Emma the stick. "You will get me pops if i won got that? Like right now." Emma said.

   "You're hungry aren't you." Sweet pea smirked, "bet your ass i am." Emma said focussing at the Game.

   After the Game, as usual, Emma won. "Next time Sweet pea. Next time." Emma teased making Toni and Fangs laugh.

  "Toni, Fangs you comin?" Emma asked both of them shooked their head no. "We think you should have some time alone, You know, work some things out." Toni said Fangs nodded.

  "Ahhh. Sure. Have fun there. Cmon Sweets" Emma said while walking out. The three serpents were left there. "Thank you so so much." Sweet pea said "Welcome Sweet pea." Fangs said smirking.


  The two serpent sat on the Booth at pops, talking, telling jokes and just having fun. "Emma. I am still sorry for what i did. I know it's been like a week but still, i'm sorry." Sweet pea said,.

  "It's fine Sweets. It's in the past." Emma said giving him a small smile, "So i wanted to ask you..." Sweet pea pause, "Can you be mine again?"

   Emma was beyond speechless but still, she knew she had to answer it sooner or later. "You know what Sweet pea. I am still not ready. If you can just give me some more time." Emma pleaded. "It's okay Emie. I can wait for someone i love." Sweet pea winked at smirk at the brunette.

   "Are you trying to make my heart flutter?" Emma laughed, "is it working?"

   "Maybe. Maybe not." Emma joked making both of them laugh. Emma's phone ringed, she looked at what it was and saw it was Fp.

   "Hey Fp." Emma said sipping her milkshake. "Hey Emie. Just wanted to let you know, Jug's awake. You can come if you want." Fp said. "Hold up be there in 10 minutes." Emma said standing up.

   "We need to go. Let's go to Betty then The hospital." Emma said in a hurry. "Let's go. I'll buy a few burgers." Sweet pea said walking to the counter counter.


"So Jug, How are you?" Emma asked taking a bite of her burger. "I'm okay Emie. A few stings but it's bearable." Jughead said Emma nodded.

"So How are you and Sweet pea?" Jughead asked out in curiosity. "We're fine." Emma said, "We worked things out and we're done with the drama." Sweet pea added, Emma nodded in agreement.

"So jug, I have some good news." Emma grinned, "I know i know Emie. You got revenge on Penny and The Ghoulies." Jughead laughed.

"Not only that, she sliced of the same chunk that Penny sliced off of you. but It was more unbearable." Sweet pea commented making Emma chuckle. Betty and Jug gave them a confused look.

"You see, i'd give you the detail but i'm afraid betty'll gag at what i did." Emma joked, "Actually, no Emie. Tell us what you did." Betty said nodding.

"after i sliced of the chunk, i grabbed some like chemical that hurts as hell when you pour it over a wound, i poured the liquid in All of their wounds, after that, I went to the bar and took some Salt and Hot water. I doused the wound with hot water, then after it dried i sprinkled a cup of salt over the wound." Emma explained taking another bite of the burger.

"Wow. But when you mean 'their' you say not only you did that to Penny?" Jughead questioned. "Yeah. I did it to the 5 Other Ghoulies and Malachai." Emma said proudly.

"Now that is a way to torture someone." Betty laughed. They all laughed. "We'll leave the two of you alone. Thank me later Jug. Bye!" Emma said while dragging Sweet pea out the door.

"Why you do that Emie?" Sweet oea asked, "they need their alone time Sweets. I'm practically doing them a favor." Emma argued making Sweet pea chuckle. "You're just the best friend to have aren't you?" Sweet pea sarcastically said. The two laughed while walking out the Hospital.


  "I want to surprise Juggy, when he goes back to School." Betty said, "Betty, he's not into surprises and parties. Remember when to you threw Jug a birthday party and it went downhill." Emma said.

  "Let's just go to pops." Toni shrugged, the three girl nodded then continued talking.

  "Hey Sweets, i was wondering do you wanna come to Pops tomorrow? Like Jug's welcome back celebration. Inner inner circle only." Emma asked, "Sure Emie. Just tell me the time and i'll be there." Sweet pea smiled. Making Emma's heart flutter.

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