Chapter 18

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3rd person pov
Sweet pea, Emma, and Fangs were now walking around school finding toni, but the speaker turned on so the students can listen to the principle.

"Listen up, it's your principal, i wanted to announce that Southside high will get closed down, mayor McCoy said the school needed to get quarantined so it will be shutted down, each group of student will be transferred into different schools, check the board by the guidance room to see where you're going."

After the last word, they went dashing through the halls to get to the board, there were already tons of people when they got there. Emma couldn't see anything, there was tons of heckin' tall people. Good thing Sweet pea is like a tower and can see it pretty well.

Sweet pea shouted, "yes! Were going to Riverdale high baby. You, me, Toni, Fangs, Jughead and other serpents." Making Emma squeal.

They went outside to see Jughead and Toni seating beside eachother, "Whoo! We're going to Riverdale high!" Fangs shouted making the two serpents look up. "wait what?" Jughead said curiosly. "We're going to Riverdale high. All 5 of us." Emma informed.

"Wait why?" Jughead questioned, "the school's gonna get quarantined. They'll shut it down finally." Sweet pea said hugging Emma. "Think of all the Northsider heads to knock." Sweet pea said while faking a fight with Fangs making all of them laugh.

"By the way, Emma, Tell your parents that they should come to my dad's retirement party. Tomorrow night, at the wyrm." Jughead informed Emma, "sure Jug"


After school, Emma went to her parent's trailer, "mom! I have something to tell you!" Emma yelled inside. "¿Qué es cariño? (What is it honey?)" Emma's mom asked. Emma mentally scoffed. Knowing that she has to answer back in spanish. "Fp's gonna have a retirement party tomorrow. You were invited." Emma said.

"Sure honey we'll come!" Jacob, Emma's dad said. "We want to see FP it's been a while." Jacob said.

"So mom, dad, what did you think about my boyfriend and my bestfriends?" Emma said curious if maybe they didn't like her friends.

"They were okay Mija. Me gusta tu novio, realmente parece que puede protegerte muy bien. lo aprobamos. (i like your boyfriend he really looks like he can protect you very well. we approve of him.)" Jacob said. Valentina nodded in agreement.

Emma mentally shouted at how happy she was. "Thanks mom, thanks dad. Imma go now. Love you guys. Take care" emma said while walking out the door and heading to her Trailer.

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