Chapter 29

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3rd person pov
"WAKE THE FUCK UP EMMA!" Toni shouted. Emma was still laying in bed asleep, "I SWEAR TO GOD EMMA MARIE QUINN I WILL POUR COLD AS ICE WATER OVER YOU!" Cheryl shouted while clapping her hands.

They were all inside her trailer, their luggages ready, "what the fuck do you want?? The flights tomorrow." Emma said still not waking up, "The fuck? Bitch it's already tomorrow." Toni said, "it's early as hell you bitches wake me up later." Emma said pulling the covers all over her.

Sweet pea and Fangs counted to three then lifted her up, "WHAT THE FUCKING HELL ARE YOU GUYS DOING!?" Emma shouted trying to get down, "Put her down guys." Toni commanded, they followed.

"Go take a fucking shower while we get you some clothes. We are fucking late Emma. Archie's outside the trailer park." Toni said while going to her dresser. Emma stomped over to the bathroom then took a shower.

   "Where's Jax?" Emma asked finding her dog, "Your mom took him when we got here." Toni said.


They were now right outside the plane, The door of the plane opened to 10 persons walking out, Emma recognized the pilot and some of the stewardesses.

"Thanks for the ride Archie. See you in a week." Emma said while getting out of the car so did the others. The plane Stewardesses went over to the car and took the luggages and in to the compartment.

"Goodmorning Emma. Remember me?" The pilot said while welcoming them inside. "Not a good morning for me because of these assholes." Emma said pointing at her friends. Making the pilot laugh. "Get ready Emma. We're taking off in 5 minutes." The pilot said while closing the door.

"Make yourselves at home. If you need anything just ask me." The stewardess said, "thanks Lex." Emma said. The girl nodded then went out.

"Get ready bitches. The flight is 14 hours long." Emma smirked, she was seated in front of Sweet pea. Toni with Cheryl and Fangs by himself.


After the flight, they were guided to the arrival section, Emma looked around to find Max. "Have you guys learned how to speak spanish?" Emma asked, Cheryl was the only one who nodded the others laughed it off.

After maybe 30 minutes of just standing there, Emma finally found Max by the entrance, "there he is." Emma pointed at the boy, the others followed Emma.

"Hey Max!" Emma shouted the boy's attention turning to her. "Emma! How are you doing! Who are these people?" Max said pointing at Emma's friends.

"They're my friends. I'll introduce to you on the way. First we need to get to the car cuz we are fucking tired." Emma said, Max nodded while leading them outside to a black Van.

"Put you stuff here. After you placed your stuff, go sit inside." Max instructed them, the others nodded while following what he said.

"So you wanna play 20 questions?" Max asked while sitting beside the driver,

"Sure. They ask the question we answer." Emma said, "so who wants to ask the first question?" Max said while rubbing his hands together.

"What is the name of Mrs. Quinn's gang?" Toni asked, "The name of Valentina's gang is Fantasmas del infierno." Max answered.

"Where are we going?" Sweet pea asked, "We are going to Mom's mansion. There is gang members there but only the strongest ones and ones with the highest ranks." Emma answered

"How many Gang members?" Fangs questioned, "50." Max answered making their eyes widen, "Don't worry. They won't be inside the house, maybe 30 will be at the house and the rest is at the Smaller mansion near there." Max explained.

"My turn to ask the question. What are your names?" Max asked, they all introduced themselves. "So you Sweet pea is Emma's boyfriend?" Max asked while raising an eyebrow. "Yes"

"I am warning you right now, there will be a lot of Boys that will flirt with her there so jut get ready to kiss her or show them that she's yours." Max said making Emma chuckle.

"Are the one near the mansion or in the mansion the only Gang members?" Toni asked, "No. There is approximately 200 members but around Barcelona." Max Answered making toni nod. "Wait why isn't Cheryl talk-- wait scratch that she's asleep." Emma said laughing at the redhead.


They finally arrive at the mansion, their eyes widen at how big it was. "Your stuff will be brought to your rooms, your rooms will be the 3 rooms beside Emma. It has a connecting door if you want to visit each other. Emma already know where her room is so it's more nicer if you just follow her. We will tour you later if you have rested enough." Max explained.

They got to the front door, Emma stated her name and the steel door opened. There was a lot of people when the door opened.

"Guys just follow me and you'll be okay." Emma said while walking over to the elevator. "Emie i was wondering, who was max?" Fangs questioned, "He's my mother's right hand." Emma answered, walking out of the elevator.

"This is the 5th floor. This is where the right hand, The chief, and the leader will stay. Along with me and you guys." Emma said while walking to the end of the hallway, "this is our room, state your name and it will be opened. It is already programmed to recognize you so nobody can get inside besides yourself, me and max." Emma explained walking to the door knob and saying her name. The others followed as well.

"You sweet pea will be staying with me." Emma said dragging sweet pea in the room. "You guys go rest. While we rest too. The tour will be tomorrow." Emma said closing the door.

"I never knew that your mom's mansion is so big." Sweet pea said while looking at the window, admiring the view. "Well you can take a shower or change but i will be going to sleep." Emma said.

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