Chapter 35: My Little Shadow

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       I find it very interesting how being a combat teacher can actually be boring at times, some students just don't seem to have any neat tricks. I've tried to help them but it wasn't fun, it actually felt like work teaching them, it's a go thing I don't get tired though or this job might be worse. The strange part is that I still train Blake on the side and I always enjoy it, I gave her Gambit Shroud on her birthday and she has been training with it ever since.

       Things have been peaceful, Ozpin informed me that they may have a lead on the Summer Maiden, but otherwise things have been slow. Raven has been sharing a bed with me and Sienna, who claimed she didn't mind. Speaking of Sienna, the pregnancy has started getting to her and I'm not just talking about the mood swings. Last night she didn't sleep well do to heartburn.

       We tried to get her to take a break from her work, Kali offered a hand, but Sienna turned it done claiming she'd be fine, this was while she was throwing up in the bathroom. I tried to make sure she was comfortable, even Raven gave her a 'homemade' remedy for the headaches, which was really just water with some over-the-counter medicine, but it's the thought that counts.

       Presently we were all heading to breakfast when we noticed no Kali or food, worried I asked Raven to check her while I made food for the others. It turned out Kali had caught a cold and slept in by accident, she said she was fine but I made her rest and brought her food. Blake was worried, no doubt memories of her father were coming back as she asked if she could go in.

(F/N): "Blake, I promise she'll be alright."

Blake: "You're sure?"

(F/N): "Yes, now lets get you ready for school."

       Before Fairway Academy, Menagerie didn't have a school system and so everyone was home-schooled. But while the academy was under construction it was decided that a section would be used for the education of children. Sometimes on break kids would go with teachers to watch my combat class, Blake was one of those kids that always showed up.

Raven: "I'll be here so stop worrying." She walked up from behind me.

Blake: "Thank you." Blake then went to her room to get changed. I turned to Raven.

(F/N): "I could take the day off."

Raven: "Then Sienna would have to look for someone to stand in for."

(F/N): "You could." She looks at me suspicious.

Raven: "Bird and the tiger not enough?"

(F/N): "That's not my intention and you know it." I let out a sigh and disheartened expression. "I owe the Belladonnas, not only did they give me a home but they also put me on the path where I met Delta and eventually got here. Taking care of Kali is the less I can do."

Raven: "Alright." She crossed her arms. "I'll go tell Sienna in a minute, is there anything I should know?" I take out my scroll and unlock it for her.

(F/N): "The lesson plan is in there along with the list of students. Good luck, with some of them you're going to need it."

       Raven gave me a questioning look, unaware that the last class involves inexperienced youths who want to become Huntsman, and teaching them how to fight from the ground up, it should be fun. While the others finished getting ready I went to bring a box of tissues to Kali, who was sneezing up a storm when I walked it.

(F/N): "Here." I hand her a few tissues and place the box on the night stand.

Kali: "Thank you."

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