Chapter 30: Raising RWBY

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After the whole Red Sap induced crying yesterday, I decided to do something with my free time instead of just waiting around for Ghira to give us a mission, or just wasting time in general. I went out to the market with Kali looking for training weapons, like a strong wooden sword. After finding a set we went back to the manor, I looked for Blake who was in the study reading. I was standing in the doorway and knocked on the wall getting her and her fathers' attention.

(F/N): "You interested in training?" She looked at her father.

Blake: "Can I?"

Ghira: "Just be careful, don't push yourself." Blake put her book down and ran to me, I handed her one of the wooden swords.

(F/N): "It's no Gambol Shroud, but it should do."

Blake: "What's a Gambol Shroud?"

(F/N): "Don't worry about. Come on."

I walk outside with her, granted I wasn't the best swordsman but Raven could help with that. We did some stretches before doing laps around the manor. I unlocked her aura, which tired her but we continued and sparred a little, I even summoned a small Beowolf for her to practice fighting. She was nervous at first, slightly scared, when it charged at her she didn't move, the fear poured out of her. Next thing I see is her unlock her semblance. A clone took her place and the attack, while she was out of the way.

(F/N): "Great job." I unsummon the Grimm and walk up to her.

Blake: "But I was scared..." She looked down, her little ears lowered too.

(F/N): "That's okay." I kneel down and pat her on the head. "Being brave isn't about not fearing anything, being brave comes from having fear and having the strength to overcome it."

Blake: "What if I don't have the strength?" She lifted her head with a sadden look.

(F/N): "That's why you train, work with others, and take it one step at a time."

Blake: "Okay..." She looked down again.

(F/N): "You want to know what I fear?" She looks back up. "I fear those people that attacked us."

Blake: "Why?"

(F/N): "Because when I look at them I see what I could have become, a monster. A weapon that kills innocent people, that doesn't care about others. I fear becoming more like Grimm and less like a human." I boop her on the nose and smile. "But you know what? I'll never let that fear control me, I won't let it stop me from making friends, helping people, even if it kills me." I stand up. "Now what do you say we give it another go?"

I summon the small Beowolf again, Blake looks at it then me and nods her head. I step to the side as she readies herself. The Beowolf charges her, she starts shaking, and uses her semblance again, I can sense anger coming from her, she's made at her failure to beat her fear. The Beowolf goes after her again, this time she doesn't move and the Beowolf leaps on her.

(F/N): "Well... you didn't run, so that's one step forward." I go over and help her up. "One more try and we call it a day. This time, think of running as a tactic."

I step aside again, Blake readies herself again, the Beowolf goes for a leap attack, only for Blake to activated her semblance and run away from it. She tries to make some distance between them but the Grimm catches up and leaps at her again, this time when she used her semblance she appeared at the Grimms' side. She strikes the creature, it vanishes, ending the match. Someone started to clap, I turned around and saw Kali and Ghira standing on the balcony. I look back at Blake and see her smiling. Spending the day with Blake got me wondering how the others were.

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