Chapter 34: Qrow-possible/Red Sap Wedding

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       I just arrived at a bar in Vale, I happened to spot Qrow drinking there so I sat next to him and ordered whatever he was having then slammed me head on the counter. After the past few days I really didn't care if I go a little out of control from drinking. Qrow put his hand on my shoulder trying to comfort me.

Qrow: "Hey kid, what's wrong?"

(F/N): "Can you keep a secret?" I lift my head up and take my drink. "Or several?"

Qrow: "Sure thing."

(F/N): "We haven't told anyone, but Sienna's pregnant."

Qrow: "Congrats, but is that why you're like this?"

(F/N): "No, this was caused by your sister... who I may or may not have been sleeping with."

Qrow: "Raven?!"

(F/N): "No, the bird. Yes that Raven."

Qrow: "I didn't expect you to be the cheating type."

(F/N): "I'm not, Sienna was the one who suggested it. Raven just happened to get a funny idea."

Qrow: "I'm not going to be another kids' uncle am I?"

(F/N): "No, but that's what Sienna thought, and she nearly killed my jewels for it."

Qrow: *whistles* "Well on the bright side you got out of it alive."

(F/N): "Yeah, thank goodness for Kali."

       I went off and recounted the events to Qrow, which started where every good story should, in a comfy bed. It was the third night Raven stayed with me, though I spent the two nights prior staying beside Sienna. But after the third night with Raven, karma decided it wanted to pay me back for any 'trouble' I caused in the past, different universe or not.

       It started as a good morning, breakfast was made, I asked how Sienna was, I went to my class, everyone else did their thing. It was a pretty typical day, until Raven thought of something, it was later on when things took a bad turn. We were eating dinner, Sienna excused herself from the table to freshen up, but when she came back she seemed off. What was more off was the steak knife aimed at my pelvis, who was holding said steak knife? Sienna.

Qrow: "She chased you for how long?"

(F/N): "Too long, she looked sick. Kali managed to calm her down."

Qrow: "Okay, but why did she chase you?"

(F/N): "That's the karma I was talking about."

       I went on and told Qrow about one of my Red Sap fueled adventures, he picked up quick what Raven had done to make Sienna want me neutered. Sienna told us to wait in the dinning room, when she return she came back with something more dangerous then a steak knife.

Qrow: "Raven bought a fake pregnancy test?"

(F/N): "She was laughing the whole time I was running from Sienna, that's how Kali knew something was up."

Qrow: "Wow, well at least you walked out of it unharmed."

(F/N): "Not exactly, that happened Friday."

Qrow: "Today's Sunday... what happened Saturday?"

(F/N): "Unspeakable things Qrow, very unspeakable things." I slam down my drink and hit my head on the counter again.

Qrow: "What did she do to you?"

(F/N): "What didn't she do to me?"

Qrow: "Just for that your drinks are on me."

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