Chapter Fifty-Five - Sacrifices.

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Amanda's P.O.V.

A few days have passed since the party at Deanna's. Ron was really starting to warm up to me. He was very polite and sweet, and he answered any questions I had a bit Alexandria without any hesitation. He made me feel comfortable and was helping me adjust the best he could. Lou kept saying something was going to happen between us, but I wasn't ready for that right now. Right now, I just needed to focus on myself.

Even though I liked Alexandria, part of me miss being out there. It was weird because not a lot of people would miss being outside the walls, but once you're out there for a long time, it's all you really know. Part of me felt trapped here, but it's safer behind the walls. Part of me just wanted to get out of here for a little bit.

Luckily, I was given that chance today.

Lou and I were taking a walk around the community together when we saw Glenn, Noah, Tara, Eugene, Aiden, and Nicholas loading weapons into a truck. Lou and I ran over there and saw Noah trying to hand a gun to Eugene, but he wasn't taking it. I bit my lip because I knew it was pointless to try and give Eugene a weapon.

"Come on. You've got to protect yourself." Noah was telling him.

"Not if I don't go." Eugene argued. Noah rolled his eyes and looked at us. Mainly at Lou though.

"We're not driving all that way so we can bring back the wrong shit." Aiden told him.

"It's a dozen of these." Eugene said and he held up a black box, "They're consistent in appearance across manufacturers. The shit will be right. I will install said shit, and the grid will be fully operational again."

Noah just gave him a look and held the gun out to Eugene again. Eugene sighed in defeat before taking the gun. I could tell he didn't want to go on this run, but I did. I turned around to face Glenn, and I found him walking back inside to gather more supplies. So I followed him.

"What's going on?" I asked him.

"The main power grid to the electric circuit has been shutting down a lot lately. We need to go get the parts for it so Eugene can fix it." He told me. He grabbed a box from inside and began to carry it out. I grabbed another box so I could be helpful as I followed him.

"Where do you guys have to go?" I asked him.

"Just to a warehouse nearby. Aiden and Nicholas said that all of the parts Eugene needs should be there." Glenn replied.

"Let me go with you." I told him.

"Let me think about that. Uh, no." He said to me.

I sighed in defeat as we walked back outside to the truck, "Why not?"

"Because you're safer behind the walls, Amanda. You don't need to be out there." He told me.

"But I can help you. We used to go on runs together all the time. You know that I'm good at them, and I can be very helpful. Look, I've just felt a little trapped in here lately and I just need to get out there again for a little bit. Glenn, please." I begged him.

He placed the box he was carrying inside the truck and then took the box I was carrying out of my hands. He placed the box in the truck before giving me a look. He finally asked, "There's no way I'm talking you out of this, right?"

"Correct." I confirmed.

"What's going on?" Aiden asked when he came up to the two of us.

"She's coming with us." Glenn said to him.

Aiden laughed before saying, "No way. We're not bringing some kid that we have to babysit. She'll get us killed."

Glenn and I both gave him a look. What did he just say?

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