Chapter Forty - Mission.

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Amanda's P.O.V.

We rode in the army truck for a couple of hours now. We had no idea who these people were or where they were going. They just told us to get in the car. If we had any chance of finding Carl and Maggie, they were far away from her.

Tara wrote down all of the roads and turns on her hand so we can go when Glenn wakes up.

"Do you think we'll ever find him?" I asked Tara.

"We will. I made a promise to help you guys find who you love. When I promise something, I never break that promise." Tara said.

"Did you ever love someone so much that you would just drop everything to get to them?" I asked her.

"Yes, my girlfriend." Tara said.

"You're a lesbian?" I asked her.

"Yeah. She was part of Brian's plan too. I found her shot in the head in the courtyard. That's why I was just sitting there. I lost everything." She said quietly.

"I'm so sorry. I know what it's like to lose people you love. I lost my mom when I was seven. I lost my dad when I was twelve. And I lost my brother a couple months ago. I know what it feels like."

"I'm sorry." She said.

The truck started to slow down. We heard walkers behind the truck from where we were sitting. I grabbed Glenn's gun and walked over to the edge of the truck. I got the gun ready and aimed.

"Don't shoot that gun!"

I turned around and the man with red hair got out of the truck. They haven't even told us their names yet. If they want new friends, they aren't doing a good job of trying to make some.

The walkers walked over to where he was and Tara and I jumped out of the truck. He got a crowbar from where he was sitting and... he started to laugh when the walkers walked over to him.

"Shit! Look what we got here."

He swung the crowbar and it went into the walkers head. The walker fell to the ground and the next on came after him. He grabbed its head and dug the crowbar into its head. The last walker started coming towards him. He started... smiling and laughing?

"Honey, look at you. You're a damn mess." He laughed.

He swung the crowbar, but it didn't get the walker. He swung again and the walker still didn't go down. He pushed the walker against the truck and stuck the crowbar through its chin. He saw Glenn's gun and held out his hand.

"Can I use that for a second, sweetheart?"

I tossed him the gun and he smashed the walkers head in the truck. One of the other walkers were still alive on the ground.

"Oh I'm not leaving you out." He said and smashed the gun into its head.

This guy seemed to be loving this. I've never seen someone smile while they killed walkers. Tara seemed to think the same thing because we couldn't stop staring at him.

"What?" He asked us.

"I've never seen that before." Tara said.

"I was thinking you'd do the same thing." He laughed.

"You were smiling." I said.

"Well, I'm the luckiest guy in the world. Why don't you help me with these cars? We got some miles to go." He said.

Something was really weird about this guy. I liked it.

Carl's P.O.V.

I sat in the house my dad, Michonne, and I were staying in eating cereal at the table. It seems like forever since I ate cereal. Michonne walked in with some water and I started laughing. She found a new shirt and... just my god..

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