Chapter Fifty-Four - House Party.

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Even though this chapter is a small sort of chapter, it is also very important! The dress on the left is Amanda's and the dress on the right is Lou's. I hope you all enjoy!


It has been a few days since we arrived and settled in at Alexandria. We're still all adjusting to living somewhat normally again, but we were still enjoying ourselves. Most of us were at least.

Lou, Carl, Lynette, and I spent most of our time with Ron, Mikey, and Enid. Lynette and Enid still kept to themselves a lot, but Carl would hang around them sometimes too. It seemed as if he was the only person they were alright to talk with. Ron and I have been doing a lot of stuff together too. Lou keeps pushing for Ron and I to happen, but I wasn't ready for another relationship. I still loved Carl and my heart was still aching from seeing the kiss between him and Lynette a few nights ago. There was nothing that I could do about it. This was what I wanted, and things were different now. No matter how much my heart yearned for him.

While we were at Ron's, Jessie came back and told us that Deanna was holding a party at her house. She said that Deanna wanted to host a party to welcome us into Alexandria. To be honest, I wasn't sure if we needed a party right now. Most of the group was still trying to adjust to being here. A party may not be the best option.

Jessie offered to help Lou and I get ready for the party at her house. At first, I was a little hesitant because we barely knew Jessie, but Lou assured me that we could trust Jessie. I realized that she was right and I was just being ridiculous. I really don't see Jessie trying to mug us or anything.

Jessie had Lou sitting in a chair in her dining room. I sat in another chair next to Lou as I watched Jessie fix her hair. She was straightening Lou's hair and then braiding it half way up. She was a natural, considering she was a cosmetologist before all of this.

"What made you want to do cosmetology?" Lou asked Jessie as she finished up her hair.

"It was just something I always enjoyed. I had a sister before all of this. She let me play with her hair all the time when we were kids. I ended up enjoying it so much that I wanted to pursue it as a career. It didn't pay much, but at least I was doing something I enjoyed." She said with a small smile on her face.

"I always wanted to be a journalist growing up. I loved writing short stories before all of this. I never really had a chance to pick up writing since all of this began." Lou confessed, which was something that I didn't know. It was interesting to learn something new about my best friend.

"What about you, Amanda? Did you have anything in mind on what you wanted to be?" Jessie asked me.

"I wanted to be a teacher. I would have liked to teach little kids. Maybe first or second grade. I always enjoyed working with the kids. At our last home before we came here, we taught the kids how to protect themselves. It was something that I enjoyed and teaching them just came naturally to me." I told her.

"That sounds nice. You would have made a great teacher and journalist." She said to us with a smile.

"I wish we would've been given the chance." Lou said quietly.

Jessie and I looked at each other for a moment before looking away from each other, not really sure what to say. Jessie placed the last bobby pin in Lou's hair and said, "Okay, all done."

Lou stood up and walked over to the mirror on the wall. She smiled at her appearance and said, "I love it. Thank you so much."

Jessie smiled in return and motioned for me to come over to her. My hands fiddled with the tips of my hair as I walked over and sat down in the chair. Lou sat down in the chair that I was sitting in and tried to keep her hands out of her hair, but it really wasn't working out.

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