Chapter Thirty - I Need To Get Back.

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Amanda's P.O.V.

"Where have you been?" I asked Andrea as we walked the streets of Woodbury.

"Everywhere. I left the farm and ran into the woods. The walkers were coming after me. Someone rescued me. Her name was Michonne."

She knew Michonne..

"We were on the road for about eight months and then Merle and some other men found us and brought us here."

"Wait, Merle? As in Merle Dixon?" I asked her.

"Yeah, I was surprised too. So what about you? Where have you been?" She asked me.

I looked around to make sure the Governor wasn't around.

"I've been at the prison. With Carl, Daryl, Rick, all of them." I muttered.

"What about your dad? Shane?" She asked me.

I shook my head.

"I found him dead in the field at Hershel's farm." I told her.

She gave me a hug and I gave her one back. I didn't tell Jody about dad yet..

"Jody's my brother." I told Andrea.

"Really? I thought Shane only had you?"

"Apparently not. He pulled a picture out of his pocket and showed it to me. It was my dad and me when I was one."

"What are you going to do? Are you going to stay here with him?" She asked me.

"You know I can't. I need to get back there." I told her.


We turned and I saw Jody running up to us. He had a drink in his hand.


I took it and it was ice-cold. Oh my god, I'm in heaven... not really.

"Jody, can I talk to you?" I asked him.

"Yeah." He said.

"Not here. In my room."

We walked back to my room and sat on the bed. I took his hand and took a deep breath.

"Jody.... our dad is dead."

"Wait what?"

"He died maybe... eight months ago. He was killed by... one of his friends. I found him dead in the field. This is his jacket." I walked over to the chair and took it off.

Jody held it in his hands and pulled it to his chest.

"I'm sorry. I should have told you earlier. There's something else I need to tell you, and you have to promise you won't say anything." I told him.

He nodded his head. I took a deep breath. What if he gets mad at me?

"I'm from the prison."

He looked at me like he couldn't believe it. He set dad's jacket down on my lap and put his hands on his head. Oh no..

"Please say something." I told him.

"Are you going to go back?" He asked me.

"Yeah." I told him.

He stood up and looked at me.

"Why? You just found out you had family and you want to leave?"

"Jody, you can come with me." I told him.

"I can't. If the Governor finds out your from the prison, he will kill you. If he finds out that I left with you to go to the prison, he'll kill both of us. I don't want you getting killed. Just please stay here." Jody begged.

"I can't. I have so many people who are worried about me there. They are like my family. Wouldn't you try to get back to your family?" I asked him.

"I already have my family. You. Just don't make me lose you again."

"I'm sorry, Jody. I can't stay." I told him.

There was a knock on my door and Andrea walked in.

"Jody, can I talk to Amanda for a minute?"

"Yeah, I was just leaving."

He stormed out of the room. Andrea looked back at him and she sat down on my bed. He would never forgive me... but I have to get back to Carl.

"I'm gonna get you back to the prison." Andrea said.

"What about the Governor?" I asked her.

"The Governor isn't here. I know a way that we could sneak past the wall. They would never know we left." She said.

I grabbed my things quickly and we ran out the door. We ran behind the building and into the back door of another. The whole building was empty and dark. There was window that led to the other side of the wall and into the forest. Andrea opened it quickly and I jumped out and ran into the woods. We ran for a couple of minute but then we stopped. Well, Andrea stopped.

"What are you doing?" I asked her.

A walker was coming towards us. I pulled my knife out, but Andrea held me back. Instead, she charged at the walker and pushed it down so that it's stomach was on the ground.

"Hold it down." She told me.

I ran over and laid on top of the walker. She took out her axe and started... cutting it's arm off?

"What are you doing?" I asked her.

"Just a little more."

She cut off the first arm and went over to the other one. She chopped the other one of and threw her axe on the ground. She picked up a big rock.

"Lift up it's head."

I lifted it up and she put the rock under it's head so it's mouth would be biting it.

"Alright, put it back down."

I put the head back down and held it there. Jeez, walkers squirm a lot. She stomped on its head and it's jaw snapped. She stepped on it again and its bottom jaw was about to fall off. She grabbed a rope out of her bag and tied it around the walkers neck.

"Why did you do that?" I asked her.

"It's a distraction. Other walkers won't come near us when we have one of these."

I was so confused.

Another walker started coming towards us, but some black guy came out of the woods and stabbed it in the head. A girl and two other guys came out of the woods behind them. They looked at the walker Andrea had and then looked at us. These people must think we're crazy.

"It keeps the walkers away." I told them.

"Didn't work so well with those two." The girl pointed at the two walkers on the ground.

"You got a camp?" One of the guys asked us.

"It's just us." The girl said.

"I have a town. It's walled. There's about seventy of us." Andrea said.

"What about you?" The girl asked pointing at me.

"She's taking me back to my camp. At the prison." I told them.

"Prison? We were just there. Some guy kicked us out. He started yelling and going crazy on us." The black guy said.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah, they were looking for some girl. Must be you." He said.

I smiled. Don't worry guys. I'm on my way back.

"I'm Sasha. This is my brother Tyreese, Allen, and Ben."

"Do you take people in?" Tyreese asked Andrea.

"Yeah. It's about a mile that way." She pointed behind us.

"Thank you so much. We've had a rough couple of days." Sasha said.

The ran past us and we continued going. We walked for awhile and kept our eye out for anything. And that's when I saw it.

The prison.

I'm back.

lives change quickly || carl grimesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang