Chapter Thirteen - Mistakes.

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Amanda's P.O.V.

We were all walking in the woods, searching for Sophia. There was grass everywhere, so it made it very itchy. There were also a lot of sticks on the ground. I pay extra attention because... well lets say I'm very clumsy.

We keep walking with Daryl in the lead and my dad in the back. I walked with Carl and Lori through the woods. I kept scratching my arms and they were turning very red. Gosh, I hate poison ivy.

"Shane look. Dad said I could carry it an-" Carl said to my dad.

"Keep it down and look for Sophia alright? You need to focus on the task." My dad said.

How mean! Is he on his monthly too?

Carl walked back to us with a disappointed face. Nice going, dad.

"Gotta keep up, alright?" Lori told him.

"I know." He muttered.

I looked at him and he still looked very upset.

"What's the matter?" I asked him.

"I think Shane's mad at me. Did I do something wrong?" He asked us.

"No. Honey, I promise you. He's just worried about Sophia, that's all." Lori told us.

I could tell she was lying... but I didn't say anything. That would have been rude.

We kept walking until we found a tent. We all stopped and kept quiet.

"I don't think she would be in there."

"There's plenty of things in there." Daryl said walking towards it. We all followed on Rick's cue and he told Carol to call for Sophia quietly.

"Sophia. Are you in there? It's mommy. We're all here sweetie. It's mommy." Carol called.

Daryl opened the tent quietly and went inside. He was in there for a while. He didn't came out.


He finally came out about a minute later.

"Ain't her."

"What was in there?" Andrea asked.

"A man. He shot himself."

Just then we heard a noise. We heard church bells. We all ran in the direction of the bells. We ran until we didnt even know what direction it was coming from.

"Maybe that's someone signaling that they found Sophia."

"That could be her herself." Rick said running. We all followed him until we reached the church. We all ran to the church and Rick opened the doors. There were three walkers in there. Rick, Daryl, and my dad went to go kill them. We all waited outside until they were done. We heard the bells again and we ran back outside. Daryl and Glenn ran to the side of the church. My dad was right. There was no steapel. They noises were coming from a horn. Glenn opened a box under it and made the noise stop.

"I'm going to go back in for a little bit." Carol told us and walked back inside.

We all followed Carol back inside and she sat down in front of the big statue that was Jesus. She began to pray.

"Father, forgive me. I don't deserve your acceptance. I prayed when Ed would hit me and hurt me. She's so fearful. She's so young in her way. She hasn't had a chance. Praying for Ed's death was sad. Please, don't let this be my punishment. Let her be safe. Alive and safe. Please, Lord. Punish me however you want, but show mercy on her." Carol whispered.

We all stood there in silence and watched Carol go sit next to Lori. She wrapped her arms around Carol as she cried. I walked back outside and started to cry. I miss Sophia, I miss my mom.

"Do you need someone to hug?"

I turned around and saw Carl standing by the doors. I ran up the stairs and into his arms. I put my head on his shoulder and let all of my tears out. It was nice to have someone to help me. Especially Carl. After I was done, we joined everyone else near the cemetary.

"We gotta move Rick." My dad was telling Rick when we got over there.

"Have you been crying?" Andrea said grabbing my shoulder lightly and looking at me.

"No. I have bad allergies." I lied. I felt bad for lying to her.

My dad and Rick came back and told us the plan.

"You all are gonna follow the creekbed back. Daryl, you're in charge. Me and Rick are gonna hang back for about an hour to search this place thorough." My dad told us.

"Split us up? Are you sure?" Daryl asked.

"Yeah. We'll catch up to you."

"I wanna go." I said.

What just came out of my mouth?

"Me too." Carl said walking to my side.

My dad and Rick looked ok with it.

"Be careful ok?" Lori told us.

"We will." I assured her.

We said our goodbyes and walked in seperate directions. Rick wanted to go in the church for a minute s my dad took watch. Me and Carl sat on the church steps.



"Can you promise me something?" I asked.


"Don't die on me."

He chuckled at helped me up when Rick came out. We walked into the woods and walked for a long time. We heard rustling in the woods and crouched down. Just then, a deer came out of the woods. We walked out slowly and looked at it. It was beautiful. Carl then started to walk towards the deer. It was the happiest I'd seen him in a long time. We were all smiling. Everything was perfect.... until we heard a gun go off and saw Carl fall to the ground. Blood on his ribs, motionless. Someone shot Carl.


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