Chapter Forty-Eight - New Bonds.

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I know that it has been a while, but I have explanation.
I was going to try to write this chapter in all Lou's P.O.V. at the hospital, but I realized that the more I tried to write it, I started to lose inspiration and I honestly had no idea where to go with it.
In the first part of this chapter, I wrote a flashback of when Lou first arrived at the hospital. Lou's time at the hospital will eventually be revealed in time. All I'm saying is that you might be seeing some Lou and Noah.😏
Again, I'm sorry if you guys wanted to see the whole hospital thing with Lou, but I just couldn't do it.
If it makes you feel better, I have a lot of good ideas coming soon in the story.😏
Plus, I'm just telling you now that you might love the end of this chapter, but I was laughing the entire time I was writing it.😂
I'm going to stop ranting, and let you read the chapter you have all been waiting for.😂

Lou's P.O.V.

Beth and I pulled away when we heard a knocked on the door. Before Beth answered it, she came close to my ear.

"Act like you don't know me."

Before I could ask her why, she opened the door and two people walked in. There was a man with a white coat on and he had big, black glasses. The other was a woman dressed in a police uniform. She had her brown hair placed perfectly in a bun on the back of her head. She had her hand placed on her gun in the holster, which made me start to back up a little.

"It's alright." The man assured me.

"Beth, what are you doing in here?" The woman asked Beth with a stern look on her face.

"I just came in here to check on her." Beth said, not making eye contact with her.

That's when I noticed the stitches on Beth's cheek. They looked like they had been stitched together not that long ago. What the hell happened to her?

"I'm Doctor Steven Edwards, and this is Officer Dawn Lerner. Can you tell me your name?" He asked me.

"Lou. My name's Lou." I said.

"How are you feeling, Lou?" The doctor asked me.

"Where am I?" I asked, completely ignoring his question.

"Grady Memorial Hospital in Atlanta." He replied.

"How did I get here?" I asked him.

"My officers found you in the woods. They mistaked you for a rotter because of your limp. They hit you in the head and realized that you were alive. They brought you back here so we could fix you up." Dawn explained to me.

So basically you kidnapped me?

"Oh." Was all I could manage to get out.

"I'll have Noah bring you a fresh uniform, and you can get started. Beth, c'mon." Dawn said.

Beth gave me a small smile and the three of them walked out of my room. I let out a huge sigh, and sat down on my bed. How is this happening? Just last night, I was sitting in the church and having a great time with my family, but now I'm in a hospital in Atlanta.

Knock, Knock.

I went over to my door, and opened it. A guy was there, maybe sixteen or seventeen, with a hospital uniform on. He was black, and short black hair. He gave me a small smile, which I returned.

"Dawn said you needed a uniform." He said.

"Yeah, thanks." I said, taking the uniform out of his hands.

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