Chapter Fifty-Three - The Cursed.

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Amanda's P.O.V.

Whenever we arrived at new places, it was always quiet. We never knew what would be waiting for us behind the gates because we never heard anything. Woodbury, Terminus; they were both silent when we arrived. Both of those places turned out to be shit. That's how I knew Alexandria was going to be different when we got there.

The first thing we all heard was the laughter of children.

That laughter definitely brought up a feeling I haven't felt in a long time. Hearing children laugh wasn't something I've heard since before all of this even began. Yeah, we heard it at the prison, but it just wasn't the same. It didn't have the same feeling as this time.

We got out of the RV, and walked towards the gate slowly. Aaron helped Eric walk as they led us to the gate. I looked around quickly to make sure there weren't any walkers near by before putting my gun up. I didn't think that I would need it. When I finally reached the gate, a large can to my left got knocked over, which lead all of us to pull out our weapons again. Daryl shot something with his crossbow, and when he picked it up, it was revealed to be a large possum.

That's when the gates opened.

Someone took Eric from Aaron so they could get a better look at his ankle, and there was another man standing next to Aaron. We all stood outside of the gate as the man stared at us, not really knowing what to think of us.

"Brought dinner." Daryl said to him.

"It's okay." Aaron assured the man, "Come in guys."

We all followed Aaron into the community slowly, and my eyes widened at the sight. In front of us were a variety of large houses. They were the kinds of houses you would see in nice neighborhoods before the world went to shit. They were the kinds of houses you would want to live in when you grew up. The gate shut behind us loudly, and I realized that Aaron was right about the walls. They were huge.

"Before we take this any further, I need you all to hand in your weapons. To stay, you have to hand them over." The man with Aaron told us.

"We don't know if we want to stay." Rick said to him.

"It's fine, Nicholas." Aaron assured the man, who was now known as Nicholas.

"If we were going to use them, we would've started already." Rick told Nicholas.

"Let them talk to Deanna first." Aaron said.

"Who's Deanna?" Abraham asked rather loudly.

"She knows everything you want to know about this place. Rick, why don't you start?" Aaron asked him.

Rick turned around and looked through the bars from the gate and all he said was, "Sasha."

Sasha turned around and she saw the walker that Rick was referring to. She held up her gun and shot it straight through the skull as the second gate closed. Rick turned back around to look at Aaron and Nicholas.

"It's a good thing we're here." He said to them.

As we followed Aaron, I couldn't help but feel bad for Nicholas. We probably made him shit his pants.


Aaron had led us to Deanna's house, which was fairly large. Deanna was the leader of Alexandria. She had said that she wanted to talk to all of us privately and ask us a few questions. Rick went first, since he was the leader of our group, and then we just all followed him one-by-one. Carol was inside talking to her right now as the remaining people who had to talk to her waited. The remaining people were Eugene, Tara, Rosita, Sasha, Noah, Lou, and I. The others were waiting outside with Aaron. After about ten minutes, Carol walked out and she looked at me.

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