Chapter Twenty-Seven - Little Ass Kicker.

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Amanda's P.O.V.

Rick was taking this very hard. He went into the tunnels not saying a word to anyone. I heard him yell and I'm guessing he's going on one of his killing sprees.

Carl took the baby to Hershel.

"She's healthy, but she needs formula."

"No way. We're not losing her too. I'm going a run." Daryl said.

"I'll back you up." Maggie said.

"Me too." Glenn said.

Daryl ended up only taking Maggie with him. Carl and I shut the gates behind them as they went out. He walked over to me with his head down. His face was still very red from crying.

"You're right. Losing family does suck."

I wrapped my arms around his neck very tightly. He put his head on my shoulder.

"I'm really sorry." I whispered as I stroked his hair.

Glenn started digging graves for Lori, T-Dog, and Carol. They didn't make it either. Glenn said they found the walkers eating T-Dog in the tombs. They also found a piece of Carol's clothing. Three people in one day..

"I'm going to find Rick." Glenn said.

"What about the graves?" I asked.

"They got it." He pointed to Axel and Oscar, the prisoners, who were digging the graves.

I nodded my head and walked over to Beth, who was holding the baby. I held out my hands and she out her in my arms. I looked at her and she looked so much like Lori. She felt so soft and tiny in my arms. Lori would have loved her so much. I wished she at least got to see her daughter once before she died...

I walked inside the prison and sat down at one of the tables. I looked around and found a blanket sitting on the floor. I picked it up and wrapped it around her. Glenn walked back up from the tombs and looked scared out of his mind. He had blood all over his face.

"What happened?" I asked quietly since the baby was sleeping.

"Rick is killing all of the walkers down there. He's like in his own world. I tried to talk to him, but he just attacked me." He said softly.

I frowned and then nodded my head. I understood. Rick just lost his wife. I can see why he's upset, even though he has been a dick to her the past eight months.

I stayed inside all day watching the baby while the others waited for Daryl and Maggie to come back. By night fall, The prison doors opened and I ran out of my cell. Daryl and the others walked inside. The baby started crying because of all the loud noise. Maggie pulled a bottle and some formula out of the bag. She got the bottle ready and she gave it to me. I looked at Daryl and I smirked.

"Here Daryl. You do it."

He gave me a look and took her slowly from my arms. I gave the bottle to him and he slowly put it in her mouth. She slowly started to calm down and started to drink the bottle. We all watched Daryl as he fed the baby. It was honestly something I never thought I would see Daryl do.

"Does she have a name yet?" Daryl asked Carl.

"Not yet. I was thinking maybe, Sophia. There's Carol too. Andrea, Amy, Jacqui, Patricia, or Lori. I don't know." He sat down next to me and put his arm around me. I put my head on his shoulder and smiled as I watched Daryl feed the baby.

"Yeah, you like that? Huh? Little ass-kicker?" He whispered softly.

I laughed softly to myself. Little ass-kicker... that sounds like Daryl.

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