Sick Ariana ☹️

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Ariana woke up and went to the bathroom and threw up into the toilet. "MALCOM" she screams and she hears him jump out of bed and run into the bathroom "I don't feel good" she tells him. "Baby girl come in let's get it back to bed" he tells her putting an arm round her "stop" she tells him bending over the toilet once more "I'm going to get you some tablet il be right back" he tells her and she nods.

He walked out the bathroom to a worried looking Freya "is she okay" she asks him "she's not feeling good" he tells her. "Could you get Melody for Me" he asks Freya when he hears her cry "of course" she smiles walking to her room.

Malcom grabbed her some water and some tablet. He took them back up to her and she took them. He helped her get back in bed and sat with her while she bottles some milk for him not really wanting to breastfeed today.

Freya comes and and takes a bottle and feeds Melody for them making them both smile.

Ariana lays down resting her head on the pillow. "Please don't worry too much about me focus on Melody and Minnie" Ariana asks him "I'll focus on all three of you, my baby cat be sick" he pecked her check. "Remember to give Minnie her medicine" she tells him "I will but I don't think she'll want me to put her cream on" he tells her "I'll do that" Ariana tells him as her eyes become heavy. 

Malcom got off the bed and shut their bedroom door too. Their bedroom door was hardly ever closed unless they wanted it to be closed.

He walked to see Freya playing with Melody so he decided to leave them too it since Melody had a smile on her face. "Daddy" Minnie smiles "hi baby girl" he picks her up "me hungry" she says rubbing her tummy "okay let's go and get you some food" he smiles carrying her down to the kitchen. "Where's mummy she's normally awake before you" Minnie asks "mummy's not feeling very well so she's going to stay in bed" he tells her, putting the bread in the toaster.

"Daddy, Mummy was sick when she had Melody in her tummy does she have another one" Minnie asks "no baby girl she's doesn't" Malcom tells her. "So why's she sick mummy's never get sick daddy" Minnie says "mummy's do get sick baby girl" he chuckles hading her breakfast to her. "Thank you daddy" she smiles.

Malcom walked to Freya who was sat with Melody and Ava. "Hows Ariana" she asks "she looks really pail and is asleep" he tells her taking Melody into his arms. "She's not pregnant is she" Freya asks and Malcom shakes his head "I wouldn't put her through that right after she's had a baby and we don't want another" he tells her. "Not even a boy" Freya chuckles "don't get me wrong I would love a little boy, but this time was stressful, we were constantly worried about Melody and that's not good, and I know Ariana doesn't want to go through the pain again" he tells her bouncing his knee in and down gently. "God you two are perfect" Freya laughs.

"Daddy I finished" Minnie smiles "good girl now it's time for you medicine" he tells her and she shakes her head "noo mummy has to do it" she cries "I won't put your cream on" he tells her and she nods as he puts the syringe into her mouth.

They both go upstairs and into His room and Ariana smiles watching tv. "Mummy, daddy says your not well" Minnie asks cuddling into her side "I'm not baby girl" Ariana pecked her forehead. "Have you had your medicine" Ariana asks her and she nods "what about cream" she asks Malcom and he shakes his bed.

"Noo it stings when you put that on" she says trying to get away "Minnie sweetheart, this will make you better and won't make you itchy" Ariana tells her laying her down. "Minnie" Ariana sighs "if it itches you need to come and find mummy or daddy because your going to make it worse" Ariana smells her looking at the bright red skin. Ariana applied the cream and held her baby girl rocking her backwards and forwards calming her down.

"Ariana is she alright staying here with you" Malcom asks her and she nods and he leaves the room. Ariana switched off what she was watching because it wasn't appropriate for Minnie. "What would you like to watch" she asks her "frozen" she asks and Ariana nods putting it on and cuddling up with Minnie while watching Frozen.

Minnie creeps out of Ariana's room and goes downstairs "Is mummy alright Minnie" Malcom asks her "yeah she's asleep" she smiles walking and cuddling into Malcom.

"You alright baby" Malcom asks her and she nods and Malcom cuddles her close.

They stayed cuddled up together for a few hours and Minnie helps Malcom with Melody since she wanted too.

"Daddy was I really this small" Minnie asks him "I think you were even smaller" he chuckles. "I can't wait till she older so I can play with her" she smiles "you have Ava you can play with" he tells her "I know but Melody's my sister and I want to play with her" she tells him and he kissed her check.

"Malcom" Freya says "yeah" he ask her "Ariana's asking for you" she tells him and he nods standing up "Minnie stay down here please" Malcom asks her and she nods and Malcom walked up the stairs.

"Ariana" he asks and she looks at him and smiles. He walks over to the bed and hands her Melody before sitting down next to her. "Can you run me a bath, I would do it my self but I don't had the energy" she asks him "of course I will" he smiles standing up and walking to the bathroom and running her a bath.

"Have you fed this little one today" she asks as he walks back in "she's had a little but I don't think she likes the bottle" he tells her and she nods.

I'm thinking of re-writing IS IT REALLY LOVE books. Who would read?

I'm also ending this book soon to make a book 2

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