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2 months later
Freya POV
"Mummy" Ava says waking me up. I gently take Jakes are from around me and slide out of bed and take her out the room. "Why's he in your bed" she asks "I wasn't gonna be mean and make him sleep on the floor" I chuckle and she nods.

I make her some breakfast and shake comes and wraps his arms around me and pecks my check. "Morning" I blush "here you go princess" I smile handing her the porridge I had just made her.

"I didn't even get a morning" he says "sorry you know Ava comes first" I say and he nods "I'm joking" he smiles he pecks my lips.

There was a thud followed by crying and I dash up the stairs to Minnie's room. "Shhh" I say picking her up "is she okay" Jake asks "I want mummy Minnie says "it's okay I'll take you to her now" I say carrying her into Ariana's bedroom.

"Ariana" I gently tap her "OMG what's happed" she asks taking Minnie in her hands "she fell out of bed" I say and she nods holding her baby close.

I leave them alone and walk back down the stairs. "Is she okay mummy" Ava asks "she's gonna be fine baby" I smile at how much thy care about each other.

Ariana POV
"It's okay princess" I try and calm her down "it hurts Mummy" she cries. I pick her up out and take her downstairs and sit her on the counter and get her some calpol. I give her some "what hurts baby" I ask "my head" she says and I peck her head "okay baby" I say as she slowly stops crying.

"Is Minnie okay Ariana" Ava asks "she's gonna be fine she'll just have a bruise" I smile giving Ava a hug since she wanted one.

"Is Mac awake" Freya asks and I shake my head "how did he sleep through her screaming" she giggles "god know but I think if she wakes him she might cheer up" I say looking a her.

"Minnie you wanna help mummy wake daddy ups I ask and she nods holding her arms out. I pick her up and Freya gives her a hug. We both go in the bedroom giggling. I put her on the bed and she jumps up and down. Mac groans. "Daddy wake up" she screams. I was laughing too much that I had to video her.

I stop videoing as he wakes up "Daddy me hurt my head" she says and Mac pulls her into his arms "mummy made it better" she says and Mac smiles at me.

I leave them alone since they were talking about something I wasn't aloud I know.

I stand at the top of the stairs watching Ava, Freya and Jake run round the house like idiots. She's happy which makes me happy and Ava likes him being around.

Freya's PoV
I'm having way too much fun for this early in the morning but I had to get Ava ready for nursery. "Come on princess" I smile and I pick her up. I get her dressed and me and Jake walk her to nursery.

"Have fun princess" we smile at her "bye mummy bye Jake" she smiles running off to play.

We walk out and he grasps my hand and squeezes it a little. "You okay" I ask looking up to him "I'm fine" he smiles. We decided to go to the mall and get something to eat.

"You an amazing mother" he smiles taking my hand "thank you it means a lot" I say and look at him "I want to thank you, for making my baby happy" I say and he shakes his head "making you happy involves making Ava happy and that's a gift. You should be proud of the baby girl that you have raised" he says and my heart melts "Ava loves you" I say and he smiles "I love her too" he says and I smile.

He walks me home before he disappears off to his. I enter and Ariana's playing with Minnie which is so cute to watch.

"Peekaboo" she giggles making Minnie burst with joy. I love how beautiful they both are together when they play it's the best sight in the world.

Ariana's little Sister (COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now