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Malcom heads back to the room, leaving Minnie with their parents, he would have loved to take her with him but he didn't want her to wake Ariana.

He walks into the room and smiles at Ariana, who's still asleep. He walks over to his baby girl and looks down at her and smiles.

"Malcom" Ariana smiles at him "hi princess" Malcom looks at her walk-in over to give her a kiss. "How's the little one been" she asks him "she's been good but I do know someone that wants to see you" he smiles "who" Ariana giggles knowing it would be Minnie. "I'll be right back" he laughs.

He walks to the waiting room "would someone like to see their mummy" he asks and Minnie nods running into his arms. He smiles at the rest and tells them to give them at least 5 minutes and they nod.

Malcom carries Minnie through and placed her on the bed with Ariana "mummy" she smiles "hi baby" Ariana gives her a cuddle. "I love you Mummy" Minnie pecks her check "mummy loves you too" Ariana pecked her forehead before her baby girl started to cry.

Minnie gets off Ariana and sits by the side of her. Malcom hands their baby girl to Ariana and she lifts her top up to feed her baby. "Eww did I do that" Minnie asks as she starts to eat. "Yes you did baby" Ariana giggles "that's gross" she laughs.

The family come in while Ariana puts a pink baby grow on her. "Do you have a name?" They asks her. Ariana looks at Malcom and he leans down to her ear, "I love Melody" he whispers to her. "I like Aurora" Ariana whispers back "I also like Melody" Malcom whispers. "Omg I love that name" Ariana giggles.

"Melody Grace McCormick" Ariana smiles "aww she so cute" Joan smiles "Can I hold" She asks and Ariana nods handing her over.

Ariana looked at Minnie and noticed she was a little teary. "Hey hey princess" Ariana pats her lap. "I don't like Melody mummy" she says "why princess" Ariana asks her rubbing her back "because everyone only bothered about her and no one cares about me" she cries "shhh I care princess I love you so so much" Ariana tells her.

"No you don't you care about the baby" she says trying to get away from Ariana. "Minnie-Rose, I love you so much, just because I have had another baby doesn't mean my love for you is going to change" Ariana pecked her head.

Malcom gave Minnie a cuddle to "daddy loves you too princess" Malcom smiles holding Melody.

"Right Ariana we're going to go" They all say "come on Minnie" Freya smiles, Minnie looks up at Ariana with teary eyes again "she can stay" Ariana smiles not wanting to break her girls heart even more. 

"Yay mummy" Minnie smiles "you have got to be good and no whining your bored" Ariana giggle at her and she nods. "Can I hold my baby sister" she asks "of course you can sweetie" Ariana placed her between her legs as Malcom handed her Melody. Malcolm took a photos of them and posted it with the caption 'my three favourite girls'.

"Ariana are you okay to stay till tomorrow so we can closely monitor you and Melody" the midwife asks and Ariana nods "we'll get you a camp bed for one of you" she smiles at them both.

After about 30 minutes a doctor comes in with a spare bed and some nappies for Melody.

Malcom has Melody and Ariana had Minnie. Ariana slid down with Minnie trying to get her to sleep. Malcom past Ariana Melody as she pecked Minnie head before Malcom took her off the bed and onto the bed they had brought in for them.

Ariana fed and changed Melody while Malcom whispers sweet nothing into Minnie's ear.

"Hush, little baby, don't say a word,
Mama's going to buy you a mockingbird.
And if that mockingbird don't sing,
Mama's going to buy you a diamond ring.
And if that diamond ring turns brass,
Mama's going to buy you a looking glass.
And if that looking glass gets broke,
Mama's going to buy you a billy goat.
And if that billy goat won't pull,
Mama's going to buy you a cart and bull.
And if that cart and bull turn over,
Mama's going to buy you a dog named Rover.
And if that dog named Rover won't bark,
Mama's going to buy you a horse and cart.
And if that horse and cart fall down,
You'll still be the sweetest little baby in town." Ariana sweetly sings to Melody. "Malcom" she moans as she notices he was videoing her.

"Sorry it was just so cute" he smiles. She looks down to Melody who is fast asleep. Malcom stood up and placed her in the crib and went and got on the bed with Ariana.

"Finally I can cuddle my wife miss popular" he chuckle "I know I'm just so popular" she jokes cuddling into him.

"Mummy I want a sister" Ava asks "well you won't be getting one anytime soon" Freya tells her "but why" she whines "because mummy doesn't want a baby" Freya tells her "but you had me" Ava asks "you were a" she pauses "a blessing to the family" she smiles. "

Ariana's little Sister (COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now