Meeting 😐

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Freya POV
I wake up thinking about the thing growing in front of me, I'm 16 so I'm old enough to have a child and I've always wanted a child, I mean I haven't grown up with a dad and I live with my sister and my sister brother and mum do a good job.

I hear Ariana laughing and screaming and I chuckle and walk to her room to find Mac tickling her. I stand in the door way and just watch them together, they really are cute together and I know some day I am going to have someone like that in my life. They start kissing and I walk away, not that I didn't mind it just because I knew what came next.

I walk downstairs and make myself some breakfast and sit and look through my phone while I listened to Ariana and Mac upstairs since they were so loud. I couldn't be bothered walking upstairs to get head phone just to block out her moaning I'm used to it now.

Ariana POV
I climb off Mac and throw some clothes on and answer my phone since it was Freyas school.

S: Hello is this Miss Grande
A: yes it is
S: you do know that Freya can come back to school and that everything's been sorted
A: yes I do but she's not really doing well
S: is there any chance we could come and have a meeting of possibilities of helping her finish the few months of her education
A: yh sure.
S: when would be best for you
A: were free today were not really doing much for a few weeks
S: is 3 okay
A: yh that's fine, who needs to be present
S: A guardian on Freya and Freya and any adult in your family that wants to be there
A: okay
S: see you soon.

"Is everything okay" Mac asks me giving me a hug "yh everything's fine just Freyas schools coming here at 3 for a meeting about possibilities for her finishing her school year" I say "well at least there gonna help her" he says "they don't know she's pregnant" I say "are you gonna tell them" he asks looking me in the eye "I'll have to tell Freya" I say and he nods and we both walk downstairs to see Freya say eating breakfast and on her phone.

"Morning beautiful" I say and she smiles "Morning Ari" she says and I give her a hug. "Erm Freya" I say nervously "what's up Ariana" she asks "your school called and they asked for a meeting today at 3" I say and her face drops "are they gonna judge me" she asks "no they won't" I sag and she smiles a little "will they make me go back" she asks "there gonna go through possibilities of how you can carry on with school" I say and she nods and I make myself some breakfast.

Freya POV
Ariana and Mac sit at the counter with me and eat there breakfast "how long have you been up" she asks "since Mac was tickling you" I sag chuckling and she laughs "I was stood at your door watching you 2 interact and you started kissing so I walked away and made breakfast" I say and Ariana goes red "I'm sorry" she says "it's fine" I say with a smile "it's not the first time you've done it when I'm in the house I'm kind of used to it" I say and Mac laughs.

I stand up and leave my phone in the side and walk upstairs to the bathroom and have a shower and wash my hair and body, it feels so good to be clean, I look down at my stomach and smile.

I dry my body and get into some clothes with a jumper in because it was cold. I braided my hair and went down and grabbed some snacks and sat in the couch and watched tv.

Ariana started cleaning up "do you want some help" I ask "no you rest" she says with a smile "are you sure" I say "yes you need I rest you have a baby feeling inside of you" she says and I nod and let her clean up.

After 3 hours Ariana comes and sits with me "where's Mac" I ask "he's gone out with a few friends to give us some space with the school meeting"she reply's and I just nod, I was so tired but I couldn't sleep I had a stupid meeting to attend.

"Freya are you alright" Ariana asks me concerned "I'm just tired" I say and she nods and gives me a hug. The door bell went and Ariana gets up to answer it.

My teacher came in during my yawn and she laughs "Hey Freya" she says and I try and smile "hey" I reply.

We sit round the table and I was trying my hardest to keep my eyes open. "I'm so sorry about what happened" she says "thanks" I say "Right were here today to talk about possibilities of what you can do to finish your education" they say "okay" I reply "do you want to come back to school" she asks and I look at Ariana "no" I say and look down and start to get upset it's been the first time I've been upset since finding out about the baby. Ariana rubs my back "Hey there's nothing to be ashamed of" they say but I keep looking down. "Is there a reason you don't wanna come back" they ask and I couldn't reply no one knows and I look at Ariana for help "she's pregnant" Ariana says and she rubs my back a little more I was totally embarrassed "Freya it's not your fault, are you having the baby" they asks, I thought they came to ask questions about my education not about this, I nod "right we can email Ariana your work and you can carry on like this" they says and I nod "would you be okay with that Ariana" she asks "I'll be fine if Freya is okay with the decision" Ariana says and I smile a little.

After about 1 hour the meeting was finally over, and I was glad I couldn't be bothered answering any more questions.

Ariana POV
I get up and see them out and I go back to where Freya is and she's fallen asleep and I chuckle it was only 4 in the afternoon but pregnancy bring tiredness, I pick her up and carry her to bed and place her in and wrap her in the sheets "sleep well Freya" I say and kiss her forehead before walking out the room and watching tv.

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