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"Mummy" Minnie screams the house down. It was three in the morning and Minnie wouldn't sleep, she wanted her mummy. Malcom tried calling Ariana but it rang and went straight to voicemail, she was obviously sleeping since its early in the morning. Ariana hadn't been home for two weeks and she hadn't see Minnie in two weeks either but Freya came home the next day and Malcom apologised to Ava and Freya for what he said but Ariana still hadn't spoken to him.

"Minnie Mummy isn't coming home be quiet" Mac tells her "I want my mummy" she screams.

"Malcom" Joan questions as she answers the phone "is Ariana asleep" he asks her "yh why"Joan asks confused "is there any chance you can wake her up so she can speak to Minnie she won't go bed" he sighs. "I'll call you back if she wakes up" she tells him.

Joan walked into her daughters room and sighed. "Ariana sweetie" she gently says. Ariana opens her eyes and looks at her covering her body. Ariana had no pyjamas there and the only clothes she had were clean clothes that weren't comfy to sleep in so she decided to sleep naked. "Erm Malcoms called me" she says "I don't want to speak to him" she tells her "your daughter won't go to bed" Joan sighs. "Right I'll call him" Ariana sighs grabbing her phone.

Mac looked at his screen and saw Ariana's name. "Hi" he says "I'm not here to talk to you, I'm only calling because my daughter wants me" she scolds him "fine Minnie mummy's on the phone" he calls her handing him the phone.

"Mummy I miss you so much" Minnie cries into the phone making Ariana's heart break. "Mummy misses you too princess" Ariana says wiping away her tears. Her mum sits next to her inning her back knowing that she missed her husband too but she was putting up a wall.

"Are you coming home Mummy" she asks "I'm not sure baby" Arian Stella her breaking her heart even more "Mummy will see you soon okay. Be good for daddy please" Ariana asks her "I will Mummy I love you" she hangs up the phone.

Ariana places her phone down and cries into her mothers shoulder. "Why don't you go and see him" her mother asks "he called me a shit parent Mum" Ariana tells her "Ariana you haven't see your baby for 2 weeks, she misses you, you need to be the mother that you are" Her mother tells her.

"Mum I don't know what to do. I'm bringing another child into the world and after all this he calls me a shit parent, I wanted another baby because he wanted another baby, the gestures I got of him the day before the night we made love make my heart flutter, but that's all gone" Ariana sobs "shh hunny" he mum tries to calm her down. "I'm a shit wife a shit mother and a shit daughter" Ariana unhucks her self from her mother and cuddles down into the bed. "You are definitely not any of those Ariana. Your a sweet loving girl who loves that  baby girl to pieces and I know deep down you love Malcom, your talented, your a beautiful singer and your fans deserve you, you work so hard being a mother a daughter a wife as well as having a career that you maintain and that's amazing, yes you might not perform but hey you have a busy schedule." Her mother tells her calming Ariana down "I love you Mum" Ariana smiles "I love you too now you get some sleep" Her Mum tells her getting off the bed and kisses her forehead before leaving the room.

She wanted so much to see her baby girl but she wasn't ready to see her husband just yet.

Malcom managed to get Minnie to sleep "Is she Okay" Freya asks feeling bad since this has all happened because of her. "She's asleep finally, I have no idea how Ava has managed to sleep through all this" he chuckles "I'm so sorry Malcom" Freya tells him "Freya it's fine, I think we were both just stressed and something was going to happen it just so happened that it was you" he says sympathetically.

She nods walking back to her room and falling to sleep. Malcom lead on his bed looking at Ariana's side And he cries. He missed her so much and wished she was here with him.

He walks to the wardrobe and pulls out on of her jumpers and pulls it into his chest inhaling her sent. "I miss you baby" he mutters into her jumper as a few tears drop in to the white fabric. He  goes over to the bed and lays down thinking about the day it happens. They were talking about memories, there best memories together since they had loads. She remembers her smile, it was the first day she had smiles since finding out she was still pregnant and he practically tore that smile of her face.

He cries his self to sleep clinging on to her jumper.

I probably won't update all weekend I'm not sure.

I'm at my boyfriends all weekend and I might not have time to write. 

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