Freyas Nightmare 💔

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***2 years later***
Freyas pov
I couldn't believe that 3 years ago, I gave birth to a beautiful soul. My little girl turned 3 a few months ago. Ava has also started nursery. It was so hard to let her go but she comes home everyday and I always get excited about what her day has been full of.

I walk into her room and she smiles at me sitting up in her bed. "Morning mummy" she smiles standing up and running into my arms. "Morning sweetie pie" I smile kissing her lips.

I go to her wardrobe and I pick her out a really cute outfit to wear. "Mummy will I ever have a daddy" she asks and I freeze. I couldn't possibly tell her about her dad "one day" I smile and she nods.

I walk her down the street to nursery and drop her off. I go back home and sit on the stool by the counter and break down.

Ariana POV
I wake up and walk downstairs leaving Mac and Minnie sleep. "Freya" I whisper and she looks up and she looks like she's had no sleep.

"Whats happened, is Ava alright" I ask concerned "Ava asked for her dad" she breaks down. I pull her into my arms. I rub her back. I know how hard this is for Freya since it's not as if her dad just walked away, she's didn't really want to have to go through this. "Maybe having Ava was a bad idea" she cries "Freya a mummy's Love is the best love a child could ever have. Ava's your daughter and I can see you love that little girl to pieces" I say "I do, I would do anything for that little girl" she smiles. "One day someone very special will come into your life and they will accept Ava and even though they won't be her actual daddy Ava will have someone to look up to" I say and she nods. I grab her a tissue and wipe her eyes.

"I love you" she says "I love you 2" I smile giving her a hug. "I'm gonna go wake up Minnie" I say and she nods. "Can I Come" she asks and I nod.

We both walk up the stairs and I wake up Minnie "Mummy" she moans "it's time to get up" I say pulling her into my arms as I sit down on the bed. "No mummy" she groans "I want dada" she screams throwing her arms and legs around, I pick her up and take her to my bedroom and place her on the bed.

"Daddy mummy's being mean" she says cuddling into Macs side "What's mummy done" he asks lifting her on his body and cuddling her "making me get up" she pouts "well it is time to get up so I think that mummy's hasn't been naughty" he chuckles.

"Mummy" she whines walking over to me "What's up" I ask "me hungry" she pouts "she's so much like you" Mac chuckles making me laugh. I pick her up and carry her downstairs. I make her some fruit with some porridge. "Thank you Mama" she smiles as she eat.

Me and Freya decided to take Minnie for a walk to pick up Ava. I carry her as people take photos. She normally screams when this happens so I count this time a lucky one.

She hates the flashing of the cameras, I would if I was 2.

"Mummy, Aunty Ari" Ava comes running over to us "Hey baby girl" Freya bends down giving her a hug. We sign her out before heading home.

I was greeted home by a kiss, I didn't expect. I hand him Minnie as she's fallen asleep in my arms. He takes her up to bed.

I make everyone something to eat and we sit down for tea.

Freya POV
There was a knock at the door and we were all sat in the couch, I get up to get it and I felt like I could drop dead now.

"What do you want" I ask harshly "I want to see my baby girl" he snaps barging his way into the house. "Mummy" Ava asks and Ariana stands up with Minnie "Come on you 2 let's get you ready for bed" Ariana says to them both before taking them upstairs leaving me and Mac downstairs.

"Where's my baby" he asks "Tom you have no right to be here" Mac says standing next to me. "Well this little slut gave birth to my baby and I want to see her" he snaps "she's not really your baby girl is she since you were never with her during anything of this child's life" Mac says getting angry. "Fucking Slut" he says before leaving.

Mac pulls me into a hug as I break down in his arms.

Ariana POV
I place Minnie in her play pen before taking Ava into my room. "I want my mummy" she cry's "Mummy will be here soon" I rock her back and forward "who was that man" she asks "someone your mummy doesn't like" I say and she nods.

I lay down with her on my bed and rub her back and she drifts off to sleep. I smile at how cute she is and luckily she looks like Freya and not him. "One day I'll have a daddy" she sleep talks and a tear slips my eye, she's so cute an innocent and she might never know the truth about what happened.

I slowly stand up from the bed and read Minnie a bedtime story before putting her to bed "is daddy my daddy" she asks "yes baby she is, this has nothing to do with you baby" I smile and she smiles "will you tell daddy I love him" she asks "I will and I know daddy love you 2" I smile kissing her lips before telling her I love you and goodnight.

I walk downstairs and Mac smiles weakly at me and I sadly smile. "Freya I'm so sorry" I say and she looks at me "my nightmare came true" she says and me and Mac sympathetically smile "hopefully you won't have to see him again" I say and she nods. "Where is my baby girl" she asks "I'm my bed asleep" I say and she smiles.

We all go upstairs after locking the door and the gate. Freya smiles. "I feel mean if I move her" Freya pouts "leave her" I shrug "no because you need your own space" she smiles and I nod.

Freya POV
I gently pick up my baby girl from Ariana's bed "mummy" she mumbles "mummys got you" I whisper. I say goodnight to Ariana and Mac before carrying Ava into my room.

I lay us both down in the bed and I cuddle her. "Was That Daddy"

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