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"Graham and Max are coming over," Zayn shouts through the house. The boys all know this means they're going to get high and probably do something stupid. Louis gets excited and runs down the stairs -right to Zayn- throwing his arms around the boy.

"The feelings I have for marijuana are incredible," Louis chimes. Zayn snorts and wraps his arms around Louis' shoulder.

"Mary Jane is my one and only love," Zayn agrees. Louis now snorts, but doesn't shake Zayn away from him.

"Are you guys 12? It's not that exciting," Niall says as he climbs down the stairs. The two boys turn to him and Zayn smiles wide -leaving Louis for Niall.

"You can't fool us, Ni. Your eyes light up like a Christmas tree when you see it all spread out," Zayn chuckles. Niall rolls his eyes and shrugs Zayn off.

"I'll feed the dogs like a mature adult," Niall tells them. Louis just shrugs and moves so he can make a show of falling onto the couch. Zayn climbs over Liam's chair and loudly flops into the sitting position.

"Wheres your curly boyfriend? It's weird seeing you without him," Zayn comments. Louis isn't even offended by this -he does spend all his time home with Harry- and gestures towards the stairs.

"Getting dressed. He'll be down in a minute," Louis informs him. Niall comes out from the kitchen, Diesel on his heels. He sits on the couch and the small puppy jumps up so he can sit in his lap.

"He's my dog and yet he likes Niall more," Zayn grumbles. He watches the two with bitter eyes and sulks in his seat. Louis snorts and looks around for Oscar. He can't see the dog anywhere and he wonders if he's still in the kitchen eating. He stands up and walks there but the dog is nowhere in sight. Louis gives the room a confused look and then walks back out into the living room.

"Where's Oscar?" Louis asks. Niall looks up from Diesel and shrugs his shoulders, his head leaning on the back on the couch.

"Don't know. Is he with Liam or Harry?"

Louis just shrugs and sits back down. He reaches over and pets the brown dog. It instantly starts to lick at his fingers.

"Gross. I hate dog tongue," Louis complains.

"You like my tongue though, right?" Harry smirks as he walks down the stairs. Louis turns and sees Oscar trailing behind him happily. He laughs at the lanky boy and pats his lap.

"Of course. Especially when you're-"

"That's enough. People in the room," Zayn interrupts. Harry chuckles and sits down on Louis' lap, wiggling around to get comfortable.

"Sorry. Forgot about you two," Louis gives them a fake smile. Niall just shakes his head and Zayn calls over Oscar, who happily trots over to him.

"How are you?" Louis whispers in Harrys ear. Harry smiles at him and moves his face closer, their foreheads resting together.

"I'm lovely. I'm in a really good mood today," Harry smiles. Louis smiles back and leans up so he can place a small kiss on Harrys nose. Harry giggles and then blushes, hiding his face in Louis shoulder.

"Harry giggles more than a school girl," Niall mutters next to them. Louis glares at him as he feels Harry bury his face further into his shoulder.

"It's cute," Louis argues. Niall smirks at him and gives him an amused look.

"He could throw up on you and you'd still think he's the cutest thing," Niall shoots back. Louis scowls at him and places his hand on Harrys waist, rubbing the soft skin there.

"You're just lonely and bitter," Louis replies back.

"Better than being disturbingly disgusting," Niall tells him. Louis tries to hide his smile at that and opens his mouth to say something back.

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