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"You're clearly not aiming for the pads!" Louis shouts at Liam. He's doubled over, clutching his stomach. Liam snickers in front of him, his hands still raised and ready to fight.

"You just realized that?" Niall calls from the corner. They're all practicing boxing in the basement, but Liam keeps punching Louis instead of the pads he's holding up.

Louis just stands and in one quick movement punches Liam in the dick. Liam makes a high pitched squeal and hits the ground holding his crotch.

"You deserved that," Louis laughs. Liam glares up at him and the other three boys snicker.

"My turn?" Zayn asks. Louis nods and gestures for Zayn to come over. He steps over Liam and then nudges him with his foot.

"Move your whiney ass," Zayn tells him. Liam stands up and shoves him roughly before moving to the wall where Niall and Harry sit.

Louis holds the pads up and gets Zayn to hit them. Zayn is quick, but his punches lack power. Louis starts to make comments about him being a bitch and that makes Zayn punch harder.

The three watch as Zayn throws punch after punch, the thud of his fist meeting the pads filling the room.

"Done. Practice with Niall now," Louis tells him. Zayn takes the pads from Louis and Niall jogs up, his gloves on and ready to fight. Liam has already left and went to the big punching bag in the corner, beating it senseless.

"Need water?" Harry asks as Louis sits next to him. Louis nods and gratefully takes the bottle from Harry. It's only been a day since their talk and their not fully back to how they used to be. If anything they've kind of went back to the beginning of their relationship.

"Can you teach me how to fight?" Harry asks. Louis looks over at him, squirting water into his mouth.

"Seriously?" He asks. Harry bites his lip and turns to see Zayn and Niall still practicing.

"Yeah. I want to know how to defend myself," Harry explains. Louis swallows another gulp of water and then shrugs his shoulders carelessly.

"That's not a bad idea, maybe we can show you how to fire a gun too," Louis muses. Harry's eyes go big and he shakes his head so his curls fall into his face.

"No way. I am not firing a gun ever," Harry tells him. Louis laughs and leans his sweaty head on Harrys shoulder, watching the boys and drinking water.

Harry doesn't make a comment about how sweaty Louis is and just wraps an arm around his bare torso, pulling him closer.

"Do you want to practice privately? You'll probably have to take your shirt off," Louis tells him. His blues eyes gaze up at Harry.

"Please. I don't feel comfortable with them seeing me like that..." Harry whispers to him. Louis tilts his head to the side and kisses Harrys clothed shoulder.

"That's fine. Just me and you then," Louis promises. They wait awhile until all the boys are in a desperate need of a shower and food. Once the area is clear of anyone except Louis and Harry, Louis jumps to his feet.

"Okay, so you can take off your shirt if you want. Those shorts should be fine and follow me," Louis chirps. Harry slowly pulls his shirt over his head, feeling self conscious about his scars, but knowing Louis would never judge him for them.

"You can grab Liam's gloves, mine are probably too small," Louis explains. Harry smiles stupidly at that, because Louis is so tiny and cute. He picks up Liam's large gloves and slips them on his hands. He turns to Louis and throws a fake punch, pretending to know what he's doing, which makes Louis laugh lightly.

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