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Louis is preparing for the night. He makes sure all the guns are loaded and the money is locked away securely. His eyes scan over his security cameras - Louis is always doing that - and finally he steps out into the main room. The three boys sitting there look up and Niall is the first one in his feet.

"When are me and Zayn going?" he asks. Louis' eyes drift from Niall to the other two boys and then back again.

"You and Liam are going. Zayn is coming with me," Louis explains. Niall scrunches his eyebrows in confusion and looks from Louis to Liam and Zayn.

"Why?" he wonders. Louis huffs and rubs his temple. He hates being asked questions repeatedly.

"Because if something goes wrong, Liam will actually use his gun and I need Zayn," Louis says slowly. Niall nods his head sadly and goes to sit back down next to Liam. Louis waits patiently for them to all look back at him for instructions.

"Liam, go with Niall to pick up our order. If something happens don't be afraid to shoot, just make sure we get our stuff here. Zayn, you're coming with me to do pick ups. Got it?" Louis asks. The three boys nod obediently and stand up from the couch. Zayn happily trails along behind Louis and into their garage.

"We're taking my car," Louis says and Zayn rolls his eyes.

"'Course we are," he chuckles. They slip in and wave at the other two boys before the zoom down their street. Zayn pulls out a cigarette and offers one to Louis who greedily excepts it.

"Thanks," Louis muffles out. He lights the stick in his mouth and him and Zayn both fill the car in smoke and nicotine.

"How many pick ups are we doing?" Zayn wonders. They passed the intersection to the city and are heading further out into a more suburban neighborhood.

"Just the one. This asshole owes me 20 grand," Louis explains. His gun is securely attached to him and he can't wait to put a bullet through this assholes skull.

"Shit. That's a lot," Zayn breathes out. His black hair is blowing slightly from the breeze from the open window and his eyes are dark and clouded.

"He bought a lot of drugs. He better have my money," Louis seethes out. Just the thought of the guy was making him furious beyond belief.

"Calm down, Lou. Let's talk about something else... Like Harry?" Zayn smirks. Louis groans, but his body relaxes and his grip on the wheel becomes more casual.

"What about him?" he replies. He doesn't have a problem talking to Zayn about Harry like he does with Liam. Zayn is more relaxed about the situation and he doesn't try to control it.

"I don't know. Just tell me about him," Zayn shrugs. He pulls out another cigarette and Louis shakes his head when offered another. Zayn just goes back to lighting it and inhaling the smoke.

"I don't know much about him. He's cute - in a childlike way. He has dimples and blushes so easily it's disturbingly cute. He just... Calms me down. He's soothing," Louis furrows his brows as he tries to explain and Zayn just continues to smirk.

"How cute, Lou has a little crush," Zayn teases. Louis clenches his jaw and grips the wheel again. Why the fuck is everyone getting on his last nerve?

"If wanting to tear up his ass counts as a 'little crush' then yeah, I have one," Louis manages out and Zayn throws his head back in laughter.

"You're so rude," Zayn snickers and Louis shrugs his shoulders. They drive in silence after that and the similar houses start to fade into more rundown ones. Zayn shifts uncomfortably as the sketchy area becomes their only view and he looks at Louis warily.

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