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The sound of gunshots and chewing fills the room. The boys had the day to relax so they all decided to watch movies and order pizza. They're all piled around their living room - Liam on the recliner, Niall on the floor and Zayn and Louis on the couch - when Liam obnoxiously clears his throat.

No one turns to him at first, all just eating pizza, eyes locked on the screen. Liam clears his throat louder and their eyes slowly drift over. Louis is still mindlessly eating his pizza, but his attention is somewhat on Liam.

"Since we're having bonding time, let's hear about Styles," Liam grins. Louis rolls his eyes and turns back to the movie. The pizza in his mouth his excuse for not replying.

"Tell us, Louis," Niall joins in grinning. Again Louis rolls his eyes and Zayn snorts next to him.

"He won't tell you guys anything. He doesn't even like you, Liam," Zayn replies. Liam throws something at him and Niall laughs. Louis just grunts and puts down his pizza.

"It's not that I don't like Liam, Zayn. He's just at the bottom of my list of things I do like," Louis explains.

"Asshole," Liam mutters. Louis just throws him a creepily sweet smile and reaches for his pizza once more.

"We still want to know about your boy," Liam says. Louis just takes another bite and leans back on the couch. He hums around his bite, pretending to decide if he'll tell them or not.

"Now, Liam, I don't see how this is your business," Louis mutters. Liam pouts and so does Niall. Zayn is trying to act like he's not curious, but he wants to know just like the other boys.

"Please, Louis," Niall whines. "We can all share something," Niall tries to convince him. Louis - who is really nosey - buys into that and nods in agreement.

"You all better have something interesting. Anyways, me and Harry are friends. That's it," Louis tells them with a shrug. They all give him a disbelieving look and Liam leans forward in his chair.

"Just friends? When was the last time you saw him?" Liam asks. He knows when Louis likes someone he spends a lot of time with them. Louis tries to think of how long it's been since the beach and then turns to Liam.

"It's been a little over a week," Louis says with a smirk. Liam furrows his brows in disbelief, but Zayn comes in smirking.

"Last time you had a conversation with him or checked up on him?" Zayn asks. Louis shoots daggers at him and huffs annoyed.

"This morning," Louis replies slowly. The three boys smirk and Louis just continues to shrug them off.

"Just friends? I thought you wanted to fuck him?" Niall pipes up. Louis groans and places his pizza down, ready to explain everything to them.

"I did, but I like this kid. I don't want to fuck him and then never talk to him again so, we're friends," Louis says. Zayn gives him a confused look and curls up on the couch more so he's facing Louis and not the television.

"Why not date him?" and Louis laughs at that. He did consider dating Harry, but it would just never work.

"I can't date him. He has baggage and a boyfriend," Louis tells him. The word 'boyfriend' tastes like acid escaping his lips.

"You'll end up dating him. I'll put money on it," Niall grins from the floor. Louis raises his brows as Zayn agrees.

"How much?" Louis asks them. They both look at him with wide eyes, but Liam - who's been silently listening - decides to join the bet.

"150. If you date him you owe all of us that and if you don't date him we owe you," Liam says calmly. Louis thinks about it and then nods his head.

"Deal. Is there a time limit on this?" Louis asks and the boys shake their heads.

"Nope. You can never date him. If you ever stop talking to him then we'll pay or if you find someone else," Liam continues. The boys all agree and shake hands. Louis bites his lip because he's not so sure he'll win. A part of him wants to lose - a large part of him if he's honest.

The boys all turn and talk about their hook ups and clubbing and parties and shit Louis just tunes out. All he can think about is Harry and his green eyes and his deep voice and his dimples. Louis just stands up and grabs his phone specially used to call Harry because he misses him.

The boys watch in amusement as Louis leaves the room, phone attached to his ear. They all know who he's calling and Niall looks at the boys.

"This is easy money."

Louis listens to the ringing on the phone and lets out a relieved sigh when he hears the familiar voice of Harry.

"Hey, Louis. What's up?" Louis looks back and sees his friends watching him. He flips them off and starts to climb up the stairs.

"I got bored. What are you doing tomorrow?" Louis asks. The boys can hear him and they all snicker, especially when Louis slams his door.

"Nothing. Why?" Louis bites his lip nervously and tries to decide if he wants to do this. He did say they were friends and friends do hang out with each other. That's normal friendship stuff.

"Want to do something with me, maybe?" he asks. His voice comes out confident, but he's actually nervous. He doesn't know why, maybe because Harry always calls him not the other way around.

"Yeah. What are we doing?" Harry asks. He sounds so chill, but Louis can't see the smile plastered on his face through the phone.

"Your choice this time, babe. What time should I pick you up at?" Louis asks. He cringes when he calls Harry babe - he does it so much lately - but Harry loves it.

"Can you pick me up at 11? I want to spend the day with you," Harry admits quietly and Louis knows then that he's going to lose that stupid bet eventually. How could he not? Harry is just so cute and perfect.

"Of course I can. You know I'll pick you up whenever you need me," Louis tells him truthfully. It scares him how much he cares for this stupid boy. It's only been over a month since he's known him - it's the first week of September - and he's willing to basically drop everything for him.

"Okay. So we can do anything I want?" Harry asks to make sure. Louis nods his head - mostly to himself - and confirms his statement.

"What if I want to do you?" Harry asks cheekily and Louis laughs.

"I did say anything," Louis chuckles and Harry is deadly silent on the other line. Louis thinks he's just flustered, but Harry's muffled voice comes through the phone.

"It's just my mom, Brad. I haven't talked to her in awhile."

There's some shuffling and then Harry's voice is back loud and clear.

"I have to go, mom. Talk to you soon," Harry says. Louis is disappointed and annoyed, but he plays along.

"Bye." and then Louis is the one to click the end button. He doesn't understand why he gets so upset and jealous whenever Brad and Harry interact. He knows they live together and fuck and do who knows what else, but it irritates him more than anything.

Louis just leaves his room and climbs back down the stairs. He sits down on the couch and grabs another slice of cold pizza and turns his attention to the movie. The boys don't ask him any questions and that's why he likes them, because they know when to keep quiet.

They spend the rest of the night just chatting and maybe smoking a lot of cigs and marijuana, but they can do that. They can do whatever they want and have whatever they want. And Louis for the millionth time decides he wants Harry and tomorrow is day one of winning him over. Bet or not.

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