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Louis opens his eyes only because he can feel someone running their fingers up and down his chest. He thinks it's Niall at first - Niall loves to wake everyone up in disturbing ways - but when he glances down he sees Harry lying there. He smiles softly and shifts so the boy knows he's up. Harry looks up at him with squinty eyes and a sleepy smile.

"Morning, Lou," he grins. His voice is raspier with sleep and it gives Louis goosebumps.

"Morning. How long you been up?" Louis sleepily mumbles out. He yawns after the words leave his mouth and Harry thinks he's adorable in the morning.

"Not long. Maybe 10 minutes," Harry tells him. Louis nods and pats Harry's side, telling him to get up. Harry just rolls over and watches as Louis stands to his feet. Harry admires his toned chest and muscular legs as he walks to his drawer and grabs sweat pants.

"There should be food and coffee downstairs, you want some?" Louis asks. Harry smiles and nods, jumping out of the bed. His bare feet slap against the wood floor and Louis chuckles at his enthusiasm.

Harry follows Louis out his door and down the stairs. He wants to reach out and touch the shorter boy, but holds himself back. They enter the kitchen and see that the other three boys are awake and dressed.

"Oh look, it's the love birds," Zayn coos. Niall turns to hide his laugh and Liam sips his cup of tea. Louis furrows his brows and Harry blushes.

"What are you talking about?" Louis ask. Niall pulls out his phone and jumps off his stool, walking over to Louis. He shoves a picture of Louis and Harry cuddling in Louis' face and smirks.

"You two are so cute. Who knew you were so soft, Louis?" Niall laughs. Louis smacks Niall in the head - playfully - and rolls his eyes.

"Stay out of my room, asswipes," Louis tells them. Liam is still laughing into his tea and the other two just smirk, shrugging their shoulders. Louis just turns to Harry, noticing he hasn't said anything.

"What do you want?" he asks gently.

"Your dick," Niall yells and Liam coughs tea all over the floor. Harry blushes an even deeper red, but Louis ignores the comment all together.

"I'll just have coffee," Harry says. His voice is soft and obviously nervous. Louis turns to the boys - who are watching intently - and nods his head to the door.

"Leave us be for a bit," he tells them. They all complain, but grab their mugs and head to the living room. Once they're gone Harry seems to relax considerably and moves closer to Louis.

"Can you show me where everything is?" he asks. Louis smiles and shows Harry where he can find everything in the kitchen. He promises a proper house tour later in the day and leaves Harry to make his own coffee.

Louis decides he should probably make them some food, so he grabs out bacon, eggs and pancake mix. He's a terrible cook, but he can at least try and cook something. He pulls out the pans and Harry jumps up on the counter, watching him.

Louis starts off okay, but the more he gets into it the more Harry laughs at him. Harry eventually places down his mug and jumps off the counter. He moves so he's behind Louis and gently grabs his hand in his own.

"You flip them like this," Harry says. He moves Louis' wrist with his and Louis just lets him lead him. Harry smiles and doesn't move after the pancake is turned. He just rests his head on Louis' shoulder and wraps his arms around his waist.

"Is this okay?" Harry asks. Louis moves one of his hands down and places it over Harry's, a smile coming onto his face.

"Yeah. This is fine," he tells him. Harry smiles and just stays like that while Louis cooks his food. They talk easily about nothing and Harry tells Louis about his love of traveling.

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