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"You cannot take Styles out," Liam tells Louis yet again. Louis rolls his eyes and continues to get dressed. He's going casual because he doesn't want Harry to think he actually cares. He doesn't care - not that much - he just wants to fuck Harry. That's it. That's all he wants.

"I can and I am. Last time I checked I was in charge here," Louis snaps. He has a short temper and he really hates when people tell him what to do. Zayn walks in the room and glances between Louis and Liam cautiously.

"Hey, Liam, why don't you come in the kitchen with me," Zayn suggests. Louis shoots him a thankful look and Zayn nods at him as he leads Liam away. Louis feels his temper die down once Liam is out of his sight, and continues to fix himself up. He's wearing a plain white shirt and jeans. He throws on his white vans - he drew faces on them, but it looks cool - and he's done. No effort needed.

He walks out of his room and through the house, finally entering the kitchen and sees his friends/workers lounging around. Niall looks up as soon as he enters and throws him one of his signature smiles.

"Hey, Lou," Niall greets him. Louis just waves at him in response. Louis grabs his keys off the counter and his pack of cigarettes. He can feel the three boys watching him with each step he takes.

"I'm going. I have my phone, call if there's a problem," Louis tells them. Niall nods quickly and Louis gives them all one last look before he's leaving. He called Harry yesterday on a pay phone, but that's a lot of work so Louis just bought himself another phone. It's cheap and he'll only use it to call Harry, but at least it'll be used.

He pulls it out as he's pulling out of his driveway. It rings for awhile and then Harry's raspy voice fills Louis' ears.

"Hello?" He answers. Louis smiles and continues to drive down his barren street.

"Harry, I hope you didn't forget our date," Louis greets him. It's quiet on the other line and Louis has the feeling Harry forgot. Louis can feel his blood start to boil and his hand grips the wheel tighter.

"No, I didn't forget. I'm actually on your side now," Harry tells him. Louis lets out a small breath and decides he really needs to smoke.

"Okay. Be at that little cafe in 10 minutes. Don't keep me waiting," Louis instructs and the phone call ends before Harry can reply. He pulls out his pack of cigarettes and lights it up, inhaling the strong smoke. It fills his mouth and lungs with it's bitter taste and Louis loves it. Loves watching as the grey smoke swirls around him in the car and then leaves through his open window.

He finally arrives in town and cruises along the semi busy streets. It's a Friday night, so all the young adults are littered throughout the area. Louis rolls his eyes as people stumble out of bars half dressed, clinging to their friends or lovers.

He pulls up in front of the tiny cafe eventually and spots Harry leaning against the wall. He's wearing a lavender sweater even though it's August, his black skinnies and his infamous flower crown. Louis can tell it's fake and he wonders what he'd look like in a real one. All in all Harry looks adorable and Louis has to stop himself from smiling at the sight.

He rolls down his tinted window and Harry glances over at that time. He sees Louis and gets up off the wall and quickly walks to the car. He climbs in and buckles himself up - Louis chuckles at that - and looks forward. He doesn't say 'hi' or anything. Louis frowns, but drives forward nonetheless. The drive to the restaurant is quiet and awkward and Louis is close to losing his patience. Harry should be grateful he didn't kill him and throw him in the river.

Louis parks and glances over to see Harry looking at the building in awe. Louis doesn't understand why it's so impressive - besides the fact that it's the fanciest restaurant in town - and opens his door. Harry snaps out of his daze at the sound and quickly crawls out of the car too.

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