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It's early. The sun barely skims the horizon and the birds are nestled deep in their nests. The streets are quiet and so are the family houses that are usually littered with noise. The world is peaceful, when a blaring ringing fills the air.

Louis opens his eyes in annoyance and reaches over, grabbing his phone. He plans on telling whoever it is to fuck right off - he's sleeping and god dammit they should be too.

He glances at his phone screen to see the name and it's blank. He furrows his brow and sits up in the bed. He looks over and sees his other phone ringing - his special phone. He grabs it quickly and hits the answer button, placing it to his ear.

"Hello?" he asks. His voice is deeper than normal. It's scratchy from sleep and it makes him sound more masculine, but not too masculine.

"Louis, can you pick me up? I know you told me not to call, but I don't -"

"Where are you?" Louis cuts him off. He rubs his face with his hand and swings his legs over the side of his bed. He glances at his bedside clock and sees it reads 6:43am.

"I'm at the bus terminal," Harry tells him. Louis' eyes open wider and he practically sprints to his closet.

"Which one?" Louis asks. His voice is quick and demanding. He can't help it though - Harry is far too pretty to be at a bus stop this early.

"The one downtown. Your side," Harry tells him. Louis has him on speaker and he's slipping on a pair of shorts.

"Stay on the phone with me. I'm just going to wash my face and stuff... What are you doing there?" Louis wonders. He gets a tank top over his head and then grabs his phone - walking to the bathroom.

"I got kicked out so I just got on a bus..." Harry admits. Louis bites the inside of his cheek to keep from screaming. Fucking Brad.

"Did he hit you?" Louis asks while he styles his hair. It doesn't take much effort, he just let's it flop around, giving him fringe.

"No. Can we just hang out today? I don't want to go back..." Harry asks shyly. Louis has a toothbrush in his mouth and he makes a loud humming noise. He spits out the minty foam and then rinses his mouth.

"We can go to the beach. I'll bring you shorts and stuff, okay?" Louis asks. It's basically the last week of August and the weather has been excruciatingly warm. He hears Harry agree and he grins. Louis goes back to his room and grabs a knapsack. He places all the things be needs for the beach - which isn't too much - and decides he'll buy snacks after he has Harry.

Through all this Harry in on the phone with him. They chat about stupid things and Louis basically gives him a step by step of what he's doing.

"I just grabbed my keys. I'll be getting in the car soon," Louis announces. Harry laughs and rolls his eyes even though Louis can't see. It's only a 15 minute drive to the terminal, but Louis keeps Harry on the phone.

He's half way there when he can hear another voice in the background. It's just a soft murmur, but Louis speeds up.

"I'm okay, thanks," Louis can hear Harry say. He's only two minutes away and the soft murmur sounds more harsh. Louis can't make out the words, but he feels like they're not good.

"I'm seriously fine. Someone is coming to get me," Louis hears Harry tell him. Louis clenches his jaw and harshly turns into the terminal. The sign says buses only, but Louis ignore the sign and climbs out his car. He enters the large building and sees Harry sitting on a chair - a man talking to him.

"Who the fuck are you?" Louis shouts. The man looks up and his eyes widen comically when he sees Louis. Harry looks over and rushes to him, hanging up his phone.

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