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Harry is the first to enter the hospital room. The beep of the heart monitor and Louis' shallow breaths the only sounds heard. Tubes are connected to every part of his body and Harry can see the gauze that covers his chest peaking through the hospital gown.

Louis' still knocked out so Harry just sits in the chair next to his bed and reaches for his limp hand. The others go and sit in the other chairs that are in the room and no one says anything.

Zayn and Liam both fall asleep leaning on each other and Niall turns on the television, watching a soccer game. Harry just rests his head on the hospital bed, his eyes closed but his mind awake.

They all drift off at some point, but Harry wakes when he feels a squeeze on his hand. He lifts his head groggily and sees Louis' looking down at him, his blue eyes beautiful and alive.

"Louis," Harry chokes. Louis softly nods his head, his throat too dry to talk. Harry can't really hug him or anything because of the tubes, but he wants to crawl into the bed.

"Water?" Louis croaks. Harry immediately is grabbing him a glass and pressing it to his lips. Louis sips at the cold liquid and feels it soothe his throat. Harry gently eases it away from his lips and then he's just looking at Louis.

His breathing is still heavy, his face pale and his hair a mess. He has dark bags under his eyes and his lips are chapped. Harry doesn't really care about any of that. Louis is alive and he's beautiful and Harry just really loves him.

"You okay, H?" Louis worries. Harry's eyes become wet and tears gently fall down his cheeks. He's not loud as he cries because the others are still sleeping.

"No. You could've died, Louis. How can I be okay? You almost left us! Don't do that again," Harry cries. Louis - despite all the tubes attached to him - reaches out and strokes Harry's cheek. Harry leans into his touch, just like the first time. He craved affection the first time, now all he craves is Louis.

"I'm sorry. I won't leave by myself again. I'm okay though, baby. I'm right here," Louis promises. His chest aches with each word that leaves his mouth and he starts to cough harshly when he's finished. That makes him ache more so he lies back, flinching with each cough.

"Louis?" Liam murmurs from the corner. Louis coughs again and Liam rushes over, giving him his water. Louis takes a sip and it calms his coughing, but not a lot. Liam hits the button on the side of the bed and a nurse is in the room shortly after.

"Oh he's awake," she smiles. She comes over and starts to check on the systems and him. She asks him questions that he can faintly reply to.

"Okay, Mr. Tomlinson, you need to rest. Have another nap and when you wake up Dr. Reagan will talk to you," she smiles. Louis nods and closes his eyes. She gives the boys one final, friendly smile and then she's leaving the room.

Harry is still sitting next to him on the chair and Louis reaches out and grabs at his fingers. He's weak and can barely grip them, but Harry knows what he wants. Their fingers intertwine and Harry rests his head back down on the bed. He looks up at Louis and watches as the boy drifts off yet again.

Liam sits across the room and watches as Louis falls asleep again and Harry lies next to him. Harry reminds Liam of a puppy - loyal and adorable. He stands to his feet and stretches his arms, back cracking.

"Hey, Harry?" Liam whispers. Harry lifts his head and looks at him. He flashes him a tired, weak smile and Liam returns it.

"I'm getting some food, you hungry?" Liam asks. Harry nods his head and then looks at Niall and Zayn. They're still soundly sleeping, but will probably be hungry when they wake.

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