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It's been two days since Louis first kissed Harry and maybe, he sometimes gets fed up with the boy. Louis can't help it, he gets annoyed easily and Harry just does things that get under his skin.

Tonight for example; Louis reaches down to pull the blankets up and realizes that he has none. Again. He looks over sleepily and sees Harry wrapped up like a burrito, snoring away. Louis purses his lips and gently - okay not so gently - shakes the boy awake.

"Hmm?" Harry stirs. He cracks open his eyes and sees a very tired Louis looking at him. He just tilts his head to the side, silently asking what's wrong.

"You took all the blankets. Again," Louis complains. Harry just pouts at him and closes his eyes.

"Well if you cuddled with me like the first night, maybe I wouldn't," Harry tells him stubbornly. Louis just groans and rolls over, ignoring him. Harry - who hates being ignored - moves closer and wraps his arms around Louis, kissing his neck and bare shoulders.

"Stop it, Harry, I'm trying to sleep," Louis mutters out. Normally he would love Harry kissing him, but he's tired and he just wants some blankets so he can sleep.

"I'll let you sleep if you agree to cuddle me," Harry murmurs against his skin. Louis just shuffles away from him.


Harry pouts and starts to move his hands up and down Louis' toned stomach. Louis jerks at that and jumps from the bed, clearly annoyed.

"You know what? Fuck you and your cuddling and your blankets," Louis mutters out. He leaves the room and walks down to the couch. He looks for a blanket and of course there isn't one. He just flops down on the cool leather surface and closes his eyes. He doesn't need this shit at 5 am.

Louis does fall asleep and when he cracks his eyes open again the room is dark except for the television. His blanket from his room is draped across him and he looks up to see Harry staring at the screen.

"What are you doing down here?" Louis mumbles out. Harry moves his head to look at Louis and Louis can see the dark bags under his eyes in the glow off the tv.

"Couldn't sleep. You looked cold so I brought your blanket," Harry whispers and yeah. Louis can never stay mad at Harry because he's actually so sweet and Louis has a tendency to overreact. So, they always just move on when they have small disagreements and that's that.

"You look tired, baby. Let's go to bed. I'll cuddle with you," Louis sleepily mutters out. Harrys eyes shine bright and he turns off the tv while Louis stands from the couch. Harry moves to him and curls into him. Louis just holds him and kisses the top of his head, his silent way of saying sorry.

They both stumble up the stairs and into their room. They fall onto the bed and Harry wraps his arms around Louis, holding him close. Louis just closes his eyes and let's Harry kiss his bare shoulder and intertwine their hands as he drifts off.

It's only 3 hours later that there's a loud knock on the door. Louis - who turned in his sleep and is now facing Harry - groans into his chest. The knocking continues and Louis moves so he can shout without it being muffled.

"Fuck off, whoever you are," Louis yells. He can feel Harry stir beside him and gently rubs his hands down his side to calm him. The door opens without Louis' consent and Zayn peaks in to see the two boys still sleeping.

"Get off your arse, Louis. We have shit to do," Zayn says. Louis glares at him and is about to reply with something snarky, but Zayn just slams the door, waking Harry.

"What was that?" Harry mumbles out. Louis turns from glaring at the door to softly looking at the sleepy boy.

"Just Zayn being an ass. Go back to sleep, love," Louis replies. Harry frowns and lies his head back down on the pillow. His eyes are open and he's staring at Louis with his wide, pretty eyes.

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