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Louis groans and stretches as the early morning light shines through his curtains. His wrapped wrist has a slight ache from how he slept and a tired yawn escapes his lips. His eyes are blurry and droopy and his bare chest tingles from where the cool air touches it.

He has no plans for the day - besides waiting to see if the police show up - so he slithers out of his room, down the stairs and into the kitchen. He can hear the whirl of the coffee maker and he can smell the caffeine lingering in the air. The kitchen is bright and cheery and so is the boy sitting at the counter.

Niall is scrolling through his phone, his mug of black coffee sitting next to him. He's always the first one to wake up, but he doesn't mind. He enjoys the having the time to think and just be with himself.

"Morning, Niall," Louis greets him. Niall drags his eyes away from his phone to flash Louis a smile. Louis returns it tentatively and makes his way to the coffee machine, making himself a cup.

Niall watches him and frowns. He likes Louis - in a friendly way. Louis is basically the brother he always wanted. He took Niall in and treats him like family and Niall worries about him because Louis' so closed off. He never lets anyone in.

"How's your hand?" Niall questions. Louis is leaning against the counter opposite him, drinking his coffee.

"It's fine, thanks. How was your night last night? I forgot to ask," Louis says. He was so caught up in himself that he forgot to ask Liam and Niall about their night. He feels guilty about that.

"It was fine, no troubles at all," Niall beams. Louis gives him a proud smile back and brings the coffee back to his lips. He likes Niall. The kid his so full of energy and just nice. He's too nice for this business, but Louis still took him into it.

There's the sound of their door opening in the front and Louis is immediately alert. He moves forward quietly, prepared to attack whoever entered their home when a familiar voice echoes through the house.

"Don't shoot! I'm just here for business," a girly voice shouts. Louis relaxes and grins, stepping out into their front room.

Samantha is standing there in her short shorts and crop top, a huge smile gracing her beautiful face. Louis still thinks she's way too thin, but she is beautiful nonetheless.

"Sam, where have you been?" Louis asks. He doesn't make a move to get closer to her, but his tone is friendly and welcoming. Samantha eyes the man in front of her and her heart squeezes painfully.

"I've been around. I'm here to drop off your money and show you that I'm all clean," she explains. She walks forward and pulls the doctors papers from her bag. Louis scans them and sees she is in fact all clean. Louis doesn't have many prostitutes -only Sam and Cathy - but Cathy just sends him the money, not wanting to meet him face to face.

"Good girl. No one has done anything to you right?" Louis asks. He worries about the girls, but Sam shakes her head and Louis can feel a relived sigh leave his lips.

Sam watches as Louis looks relieved that she's okay. It makes her crave him more and she hates herself for that. Louis doesn't want her, but god does she want him. He can be so sweet at times and he's protective and strong. He's every girls dream... Or maybe just hers.

"What are you doing today?" Sam asks. Niall strolls into the room and sees Sam with Louis. He knows the girl wants him and he feels bad for her, he really does. Louis is oblivious and even if he knew, he wouldn't care.


"We need groceries," Niall interrupts him. Louis turns to give him an annoyed glare and Sam shoots him a happy smile.

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