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Louis wakes up the next morning with a slight headache and a bitter taste in his mouth. Harrys arms are wrapped around him and Louis smiles into his chest.

He lets out a small sigh - his breath ghosting over Harry's skin - and closes his eyes again. His long eyelashes brush against against Harry's chest and Louis hair tickles under his chin.

Harry moves in his sleep - not fully awake - and pulls Louis closer. He mumbles something unintelligible and Louis loves this. He loves having someone to cuddle and admire.

"Louis?" Harry mumbles out. Louis lifts his head and opens his eyes. Harry's are still closed and his plump lips are parted, ready to speak.

"I'm hot," Harry continues. Louis laughs and decides to play dumb. He moves closer to him and wraps his arms and legs around the taller boy.

"You are very hot. And you're all mine," Louis replies. Harry groans and gently pushes Louis off of him. He kicks the blankets down to reveal his almost naked body and Louis looks down at it admiringly.

"I'm actually hot, Lou. Sorry," Harry mutters out. He then turns and Louis looks down to see his briefs clinging to his cute butt. Louis can't stop himself as he reaches forward and pinches it quick. Harry yelps and jumps, turning back to face him.

"Louis! I'm tired, stop it." Harry whines. Louis just gives him an innocent smile.

"I didn't do anything, H. Go back to sleep," Louis murmurs. Harry stays facing him and closes his eyes. Louis just lies in front of him and looks at the peaceful boy.

He's all his. Louis can call that beautiful boy his and it makes him feel this sense of accomplishment. He may have done so many bad things, but Harry is lying in his bed so he's done something right.

"I can feel you looking at me," Harry murmurs, his eyes remaining shut. Louis just smiles fondly and reaches over, brushing his curls.

"You're so amazing," Louis tells him. Harry's cheeks turn pink and he peaks his eyes open to see Louis looking at him lovingly. It makes his heart beat quicken and his body feels even warmer.

"I really don't know how I got you. I don't deserve you at all," Louis continues. His voice remains calm and his eyes stay locked on Harry's.

"Don't say that," Harry tells him. Louis furrows his brow and brings his hand back up to stroke Harry's cheek. He does it unconsciously, but Harry loves the gentle touch.

"If you find someone one day - at school or work - and you really like them, don't be afraid to leave. I would be upset, but I wouldn't hurt you for it," Louis tells him. Harry is surprised by his words and he takes awhile to respond.

Why would Louis think of that? Harry can't even imagine finding someone he loves more than Louis. He can't imagine ever leaving him and he's only been with him for four months. You can say Harry gets attached easily, but can you blame him? Louis is practically perfection.

"Why would I leave you?" Harry asks. Louis snorts and pulls his hand back. His face shows his insecurity and he looks down now, avoiding Harry's eyes.

"Because I'm kind of an asshole. And I kill people - which isn't good by the way - and I sell drugs. I'm selfish and I don't know how to be a boyfriend, but I'm trying and I'm just a mess. You deserve the best and I'm mediocre," Louis admits. Harry frowns and moves closer, not caring how warm he is.

"Hey. I'm a clingy, annoying little shit and honestly, you do more boyfriendy things for me than I do for you. You may not be the best, but neither am I. We're both people and we have flaws. I'm all yours, no one can take me away," Harry promises. Louis moves forward and protectively wraps his arms around Harry again.

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