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Louis let Harry baby him for five days and Harry loved every second of it. Basically, Harry got Louis all to himself for five days straight and it was perfect.

"Harry, you have to let me start planning," Louis tells him. Harry pouts and wraps his body tighter around him.

"No. Stay in bed with me," he mumbles into Louis' skin. Louis chuckles and gently pries Harry off him.

"I can't. Don't take this the wrong way, but I'm tired of seeing your pretty face all the time," Louis says. Harry lifts his head up and scowls at him.

"You can never get tired of my pretty face," Harry replies stubbornly. Louis stands to his feet and rolls his eyes fondly.

"I can and I have. I'm just going downstairs to talk to the boys. Don't you have a job now?" Louis asks. Harry groans and shoves his face back into the pillow.

"They haven't called me back," Harry grumbles out. Louis pulls on some sweats - he slept with a shirt on - and gives Harry a reassuring smile.

"They'll call soon. You want me to talk to them?" he smirks. Harry flips his head over so he's looking at him and narrows his eyes.

"No. That's cheating and I want to get this job because I deserve it. Not because you're a scary asshole," Harry tells him. Louis raises his brows and places a hand over his heart.

"Me? A scary asshole? I'm offended," Louis gasps. Harry snorts and closes his eyes.

"I'm now sick of your sarcasm. Don't you have deaths to plan?" Harry mumbles out. Louis looks at him fondly because he is so cute. Hair across the pillow, eyes shut and features soft.

"I do. You just sleep, cutie," he whispers. He moves forward and kisses the top of his head and then leaves the room. He hops down the stairs and Diesel comes running over to him, panting and drooling.

"You're disgusting," - Louis tells him as he pats the dogs head - "Has anyone fed you?"

"I did," - Zayn says as he walks out of the kitchen - "and he's not disgusting. Tell him you're adorable, Di. You're so cute," Zayn coos at the dog. The dog shakes his bum and licks Zayns hands, seeming to understand.

"It's times like this I question why people are scared of us," Louis mutters. Zayn looks up at him and smiles before he continues to pet the dog.

"I thought you were on bed rest," Zayn says. Louis shrugs and waits for Zayn to straighten up to actually talk.

"I can't lie down any longer. I need to start planning," Louis tells him. Zayn nods and starts to walk into the kitchen. Louis follows and sees the other two already up.

"Hey, Louis," Niall greets him. Louis smiles at him and goes and grabs himself a cup of coffee. After he pours his cup and jumps up on the counter, they start.

"I honestly think we should just tell him. Tell him to meet us somewhere and may the best team win," Liam says. Louis sips his coffee and then places it next to him.

"Is this the Hunger Games? We need to be smart. We need to get him when he least expects it and we need him to suffer. I want to tie him up and whip him until you can't even tell if he has skin. I want to pull out his teeth and cut off his dick-"

"Slow down, mate," Zayn cuts him off. Louis turns to him and Zayn has his arms raised.

"I knew you were insane, but I didn't know the extent. I agree we should be smart though. He'll expect something sneaky and well choreographed," Zayn supplies.

"Why don't you just do it in public?" another voice comes through. They all turn to see Harry sleepily standing in the doorway.

"And I don't mean the supermarket, but at a party. Brad goes to them all the time and he gets wasted. All you have to do is lead Nick away and he'll be completely useless," Harry continues.

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