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Parties always meant trouble. Louis is aware of that and he's prepared for it. His back seat has his necessities in case something goes wrong tonight because so much can go wrong so quickly. He doesn't voice his concerns to Harry though. He doesn't want to worry him.

"Take both cars," Louis tells the guys. They're all dressed casual, still wearing short sleeves in the warm weather. Liam grabs his keys and gestures for Niall and Zayn to follow him.

"We'll meet you guys there," he shouts as he leaves. Louis just waves him off and waits for Harry. He got out of the shower not too long ago, so he should be down any minute. Louis aimlessly scrolls through his phone and deletes messages that are old.

There's steps on the stairs and he looks up to see Harry wearing a flannel and his skinnies. His hair is pulled back in a headband, not a flower crown and his dimples are deep in his cheeks as he skips down the last few steps.

"You look good," Louis compliments. They went out earlier that day and bought Harry a whole new wardrobe - he obviously wasn't going to Brads to pick up his old clothes.

"Thanks. You look good as per usual," Harry grins. Louis just rolls his eyes and stands from the couch. He walks over to Harry and kisses his cheek as thanks and then slips on his vans. Harry puts on a pair of brown boots and then they're walking through the garage door.

"You locked the front door right?" Harry asks. Louis nods and climbs in. The garage door opens and then they're on their way. Harry chats to Louis about stupid shit - Louis occasionally adds in a comment - and Louis mainly smokes. They reach the party in no time and park behind Liam, thankful there was a spot left.

"Lets go," Louis cheers. Harry is excited and moves over to Louis, attaching their hands and leading him towards the busy house. It's a warm night and most people are in the backyard drinking and smoking. Louis goes with Harry and grabs him a beer, letting him have his fun.

Louis won't drink - he's driving and he really doesn't want to be in an accident - so he just watches amusedly as Harry chugs back the beer. He's clingier when he drinks and he curls into Louis' side, kissing his neck.

"Is he alright?" a girl - Rachel- giggles. Louis smiles and gently moves Harry in front of him.

"He's a little tipsy, should be fine," Louis chuckles. Harry just happily leans into Louis' chest, not caring that he couldn't give him anymore neck kisses.

"Okay. So how do you know Greg?" Rachel asks. Louis tilts his head and Rachel laughs.

"He's the person that's hosting the party," she clarifies. Louis makes an 'oh' sound and nods his head.

"My friends know him. I tagged along," Louis lies. Rachel sips her beer and then continues talking. Apparently she goes to university with him. They talk for a few more minutes and then a group of people come and join them. They all introduce themselves and Harry gets into the conversation.

"You surf?" a guy asks. Louis chuckles and shrugs.

"Not really. I'm okay at it. Mostly do it for -" he stops mid sentence and his posture goes rigid. Everyone gives him curious glances, but he just pulls Harry into him more and steps back.

"Sorry, got to go," Louis tells them. He's gone before they can reply, dragging Harry with him.

"What's wrong?" Harry asks. He watches Louis worriedly and Louis' eyes scan the crowd again. He spots him and notices that he's watching them.

"Jake's here. I need you to stay with Niall okay?" Louis asks. He keeps an eye on Jake - one of Brads guys - and pulls his phone out of his pocket. He texts the three boys and waits for them to come to him.

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