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Louis watches as Harry enters the small cafe he's sitting in. It's been about two weeks since the party and Louis has kept close tabs on Brad and his gang. Louis smirks and stands from his table - sauntering over to the line up behind Harry. Harry is oblivious and continues to read over the menu as Louis stands there.

"I don't think you should be here," Louis whispers in Harry's ear. Harry jumps and whips around quickly, eyes landing on Louis' smug figure. Harry rolls his eyes and turns away from him.

"I won't tell if you don't," he replies cheekily. Louis raises his brows at this and steps forward - so he's next to Harry.

"Watch your mouth, Styles," Louis says. His face shows no emotion, but his voice has an underlining threat that sends chills up Harry's spine. Harry swallows thickly and turns back to the board. He is hyper aware of Louis' presence next to him and Louis can feel the nervousness radiating off him.

"Next," the woman at the counter calls. Harry steps forward and Louis smirks and quickly follows suit.

"A black coffee-"

"And a tea. Thank you, Darleen," Louis cuts him off. She just punches in the order and Louis pays her without a care. Harry watches Louis closely - wondering what game he is playing. Their drinks come quickly and then Louis gestures his head to a back booth - out of the eyes of everyone in the small building. Harry nervously follows the orders and slides in.

"So... Harry. I've done my research," Louis starts. He gets this sick smile on his face and Harry can feel goosebumps rise on his skin. His mouth has gone dry and his hands are clammy.

"Research?" he squeaks out. He hates how his voice betrays him and he silently curses himself.

"Yeah. It's really a shame Brad sends you to spy on my business unarmed. You never know when you might need to protect yourself," Louis tells him. Harry's face pales and he wants to run, but he knows he can't. It'd be very stupid and Louis loves the chase. He craves it.

"I don't spy," Harry mumbles out. His voice cracks obviously and his tone is defeated and weak. Louis chuckles from across the booth and leans forward - loving how he can make Harry squirm.

"Not well. I've been watching you, Harold. I'm not stupid and I hate being lied to. Now, I should shoot you," Louis pauses and Harry looks at him waiting for the but, or maybe the pain he's not quite sure.

"But I won't. I like this game - probably because I'm winning - and I'm assuming you won't tell Brad about this," Louis continues. He has this smug smile on his face - which Harry will admit is hot - and he fidgets uncomfortably under Louis' gaze.

"Why won't I?" Harry wonders. Louis actually laughs at that and the sound is far too sweet and pure for a murderer.

"Why would you? You're going to tell him I know you're the spy? That'd be awfully stupid, Harry. If I don't kill you he will," Louis states matter-of- factly. Harry knows he's right and lets out a groan. He didn't want to be the spy, he didn't want to be anything. He looks at Louis with pathetic, worried eyes and Louis can feel his smug image almost slip. Almost.

"What do I do?" Harry asks. It's a stupid question, why would Louis help him? Louis probably wants him to die, but then Harry remembers his words; 'I care.'

They ring through his head and he looks back at the man - that's too beautiful to be in this work - and hope fills him. Maybe Louis will help.

"Well... I don't know exactly, but I could make you a deal?" Louis suggests. Harry's heart pumps loudly and he feels like he's about to sell his soul to the devil.

"What?" he questions. He's curious, but wary.

"I won't tell anyone about you if you come on a date with me," Louis says. He leans back and shrugs his shoulders. He doesn't seem to have a care in the world and Harry feels like his is crashing around him.

His mind is screaming no. There are red lights and small buzzers going off in his brain. Louis is bad. Louis is really bad. Not only is he the rival, he's also lethal. Everyone knows Louis' killed people. He's killed a lot of people and he supposedly feels no remorse. He is quite literally heartless... Or so it seems.

But, there's a tiny voice in the mix of the warnings. It's pointing out that Louis is really attractive and he said he cares and Louis is really, really attractive. He helped him at the party and stood up to Brad for him.

Louis watches across the booth as emotions flash across Harry's face. He can't seem to decide and Louis is losing interest rapidly. If Harry says no he will have to kill him. He's a spy and even though he's terrible, he still needs to have consequences.

Harry finally meets Louis' eyes steadily and he clears his throat slightly. He looks down at his coffee cup - a blush covering his face - and nods his head.

"I'll go on a date with you," Harry whispers out. Louis smirks in triumph and starts to stand from the table. Harrys head snaps up and he looks at him in bewilderment.

"Can I have your number?" He asks. Louis laughs again and shakes his head.

"My number comes with trust. I'll call you when I'm ready for the date," Louis says. It's his way of dismissing the whole thing, but Harry grabs his wrist to stop him. Louis closes his eyes and takes a relaxing breath to calm himself. He hates when people grab him.

"How did you get my number?" Harry asks. His tone is confused and slightly scared and that makes Louis laugh again. He rips his wrist out of Harry's grip and starts to walk away.

"I have my ways. Be ready," he yells over his shoulder. The shop doors jingle as he opens them and then he's gone and into the night air.

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