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"Are you nervous?" Niall asks. Louis turns to him and shrugs his shoulders. He doesn't really know how he feels right now.

"A little? I just don't want anything to go wrong," Louis admits. It's just the two of them in house at the moment. Harry went to his moms for lunch and the other two are out doing who knows what.

"Harry will be fine," Niall says. Louis shakes his head and sits down on his bed next to Niall. He leans against the headboard and relaxes.

"It's not just about him. I don't want anything to happen to any of you. I'd be just as upset if you got hurt, Niall," Louis tells him sincerely. He cares about his friends just as much as he cares about Harry. They just know how to defend themselves so he worries less about them.

"We'll all be okay. We're smart," Niall reassures. Louis looks at him and sighs. Niall is so optimistic. So happy and carefree.

"I hope you're right. We just need to follow the plan and everything should be okay," Louis repeats. He's so anxious and he feels off. He can't put his finger on what is wrong, but something in his gut is telling him to be cautious.

"True. Are you happy to have the gauze and stitches off?" Niall changes the subject. Louis nods his head and smiles at the blonde haired boy.

"Fuck yeah. The scar isn't as bad as I thought it would be, which is a bonus," Louis grins. Niall sits up straighter and smiles sweetly.

"Can I see your scar? Please? I bet it looks so cool," Niall says excitedly. Louis snorts and rolls his eyes. He climbs off his bed again and walks over to his charging phone.

"It looks like yours," Louis tells him carelessly. He checks his phone and sees a cute message from Harry. He smiles without thinking and his fingers quickly type a message back.

"Stop texting your boyfriend and show me your scar!" Niall calls. Louis turns to him and chuckles.

"I'm not stripping for you," Louis says. Niall pouts and scoots further up the bed.

"Strip for me, Louis. I want you to be my personal hooker," Niall says, trying to sound seductive. Louis bursts into laughter instead and gently smacks the boy upside the head.

"Shut up, you little fucker. Do you want to order some pasta?" Louis asks. Niall jumps off the bed excitedly and pulls his phone out.

"You're paying!" he exclaims before he's talking to the people on the other line. He knows their order off by heart so Louis just has to pull out his wallet when the time comes.

They both walk down the stairs and chat aimlessly waiting for their food. Louis loves having just Niall home. It's refreshing to just sit an have a normal conversation with a friend. Niall is easy to talk to and Louis is thankful everyday to have Niall around. He just makes everything bright and happy.

The food arrives and Louis passes Niall the money so he can pay. Niall opens the door and pays for the food before stumbling back into the living room.

"Here ya go," he says as he passes a box to Louis. Louis takes it and opens it to reveal his spaghetti. They eat in peace and Liam and Zayn arrive while they're finishing up.

"Did you get us something?" Zayn asks when he smells the food. Niall shakes his head and Zayn pouts and walks over, grabbing some noodles out of Nialls container.

"Hey! Get your own food," Niall shouts. Zayn gives him an innocent look and flops down in between him and Louis.

"So, there's a party tonight. Apparently Brad is going," Liam says from his chair. Louis looks over at him and the bad feeling in his gut intensifies.

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