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A week passes with no troubles. The boys continue business as usual and Harry does well on his job interview. Louis, Zayn and Harry even look at college courses Harry can take. Everything is quiet and Louis is starting to get suspicious.

He's back to watching the other gang. They don't appear to be doing anything out of the ordinary and Gramshaw is now dealing. Louis' noticed that Brad appears to be recruiting, but that's it.

They spend the whole day planning another attack while Harry just continues to look through school courses. None of them can seem to think of a solid plan, so with a final sigh of disappointment they call it a night.

Louis gives the boys a wave goodnight and then goes and enters his room. Harry is sitting cross legged in the middle of his bed, reading off Louis' laptop. Louis just crawls behind him and wraps his arms around Harry's waist, his head resting on his shoulder.

"Found anything interesting?" Louis asks. Harry leans back into Louis' chest and grabs his hands, playing with his tiny fingers.

"Maybe something with food? Or I could be a plumber?" Harry says. His voice is uncertain and Louis laughs into his neck, placing a small kiss where his shoulder and neck meet.

"You'll find something, baby. You just want to watch something on the laptop until we fall asleep?" Louis asks. Harry nods and they both get ready for bed. Once they're both comfortable Louis pulls his laptop on his chest and types in Game of Thrones.

They click on the episode they're on and both settle down. They watch silently and they aren't even halfway through the episode before Harry falls asleep on Louis' shoulder. Louis just pauses the show and places his laptop on his night stand, plugging it in.

He crawls down and turns so he's spooning Harry. It may seem weird because the size different, but neither cares. Louis enjoys being the big spoon.

The only sound in the house is the buzz of someone's television and the night seems to just be at peace. Louis falls asleep easily, his mind clear of worry.

The sound of a phone ringing wakes him up. He turns and sees that it's 1:38am. He grabs his phone in confusion and sees an unknown number on the screen. He hits accept and places it to his ear.

"'Ello?" he mumbles out. A yawn escapes him and he can feel Harry stir. He climbs out of bed, and quietly sneaks out of the room, shutting the door silently.

"Louis? Fuck help me," Gemma pleads. Louis' eyes open wide and his body is alert and awake.

"Gemma? Where are you? What's wrong?" Louis worries. He's standing at the bottom of his stairs and his heart is pumping too fast.

"I'm with Brad. Please help, I'm scared," she cries. Louis can feel his heart drop and his blood boil. The sound of the phone being switched is heard and then another voice fills Louis' ears.

"Hello, Louis. I thought I'd give you a little surprise," Brad says. His voice is smug and it makes Louis want to punch another hole in his wall. Of course he doesn't because the others just got filled.

"Let her go, Brad," Louis tells him. His voice is cold and threatening, something Brad is used to hearing.

"I don't think so. I actually have a request; if you want her safe come to my warehouse. Alone," Brad informs him. Louis clenches his jaw. This is a trap because either way he knows Brad won't let Gemma go.

"Okay. Don't touch her and I'll come," Louis promises. Brad agrees and then hangs up. Louis runs a hand over his face and grabs a pen and paper. He's not stupid and he writes where he's going. He leaves it on the kitchen counter and then sneaks back into his room.

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