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Louis reaches his arms around Harry, trying to position the gun right so he'll hit the target. Honesty, Harry has no aim and he continually complains about the noise even though he's wearing ear muffs. They all are because the gun is so loud and Louis is thankful he chose a house with no neighbors.

"Like this, babe. Now keep it steady and try not to jerk too much," Louis instructs again. Harry nods and Louis moves away, watching with intensity. Harry shoots and the bang lingers in the air, causing the whole world to seem eerily silent in comparison.

"I missed. Again," Harry complains. He slides his ear muffs around his neck and so do the others. They've all been shooting and trying to show Harry how it's done.

"Lets try something different. This time I want you to pretend that we're in the same position as last night and one of the boys... Liam-"

"He'd let me die! Don't choose me!" Liam shouts. Zayn laughs and nods in agreement.

"He would let Liam die! We all would," Zayn calls. Liam smacks his chest and pouts and Zayn continues to laugh, telling Liam he's joking.

"Let's say it's Louis. A guy has his gun to Louis' head and if you miss the kill shot, Louis is gone," Niall says, sipping at his water. Louis turns to Harry and shrugs.

"Okay, you have to save me. If you miss I die."

"Let's make this serious. If you actually miss, I will shoot Louis," Liam replies. Harry and Louis both give him an appalled look and it makes the three laugh.

"You two are turning into one," Niall grins.

"Jesus Christ, I can't even handle one Louis," Zayn complains. Louis just flips them off and turns to Harry. He gently lifts his ear muffs back on and positions the gun back to its position.

"Okay, just shoot. Pretend I'll be dead if you miss," Louis informs him. He then slips on his own muffs and steps back. Harry seems to examine the target and then the gun is blasting again, the sound echoing through the open yard.

"I hit the target... Not dead on, but I hit it," Harry says. Louis smiles and wraps his arm around the boy in a one armed hug.

"That's progress. Keep doing that, okay? I need some water."

Harry just nods his head and starts to reload the gun. Louis jogs over to the deck and hops up the stairs. The three boys are sitting in lawn chairs, bundled up and drinking water and beer.

"How's your arm?" Louis asks. He sits on the wooden deck and grabs a water bottle, sipping at the cold liquid.

"It's fucking painful," Niall complains. He stares down at his gazed arm and Louis pats his knee comfortingly.

"We'll get 'em back for you," he promises. Another bullet rings through the air and all the boys turn to see Harry has missed the target again.

"This is stupid!" Harry shouts. Louis smiles fondly at his frustrated figure and shakes his head.

"Again. Practice makes perfect," Louis tells him. He can hear Harry's faint grumbles, but the boy reloads the gun, preparing to shoot.

Louis seems to remember something and pulls out his wallet. He hands the boys three wads of cash, each containing the 150 they all knew he'd have to give up.

"I thought you'd forget," Niall smiles down at the cash. Louis shakes his head and leans back as the boys count.

"It's all there. I lost, go ahead and say 'I told you so'," Louis says. They all pocket the money, but not one of them says a word. It confuses Louis and he turns to see if Harry is behind him. He's not, he's still standing on the grass, shooting the gun.

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