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Louis is a protective person. He protects anything he cares about. Of course this includes Harry and ever since Harry told him his story he's been extra protective. He can't help it and Harry doesn't seem to mind.

They're cuddling in bed -two days after Anne's birthday- and Harry giggles into Louis' neck. He's so fucking cute and Louis just doesn't understand how he's real.

Now, Louis has noticed he's been softer lately. He's not as snappy or mean around the house and he doesn't go for drop offs as much. It's weird, but he just wants to be with Harry. He wants to watch shit movies and eat junky food. He knows it has to end though. He does have a job and other important things to do. His life can't be just Harry.

"I'm going to go with Zayn today, okay?" he murmurs to Harry. Harry looks up at him, pout prominent on his face.

"Why? I'll be all alone," he complains. Louis pats his bum, but slides out from under him. His feet hit the floor and he stretches, his shirt riding up.

"I'm sorry about that, but I have stuff to do. Do you want anything while I'm gone?" Louis asks him. He's already dressed and showered for the day. He told Zayn last night he wanted to go with him and Zayn was pretty thrilled.

"I want you to stay," Harry whines. He sits up and juts his lip out, begging with his eyes. Louis wants to give in and stay, but he has to stand his ground. Plus, if they spend all their time together they'll get sick of each other and fight excessively.

"Can't. I'll be back later though," Louis flashes him a smile. He grabs his phone off the side table and places a goodbye kiss on Harry's pouty lips.

"Get me a pet!" Harry shouts as Louis opens the door. Louis turns back to him with raised brows. Harry is giving him an innocent smile, hoping Louis will say yes.

"Maybe." is all Louis says as he leaves the room. He rushes down the stairs and into the kitchen. Zayn is leaning on the counter, texting someone rapidly. Louis sneaks up on him and jumps on his back, making Zayn yelp in surprise. Louis laughs as Zayn shrugs him off.

"Fuck you, you scared me," Zayn tells him. He tries to seem angry, but Louis can see through it. He just grins at him and pats his back.

"Oh well. Shall we go, my friend," Louis asks. Zayn rolls his eyes and stuffs his phone in his pocket. They exit the kitchen together and then leave through the front door. They're taking Zayns car today so Louis climbs in the passenger seat and settles himself in.

Zayn starts the car and starts to drive down the road. They just have to drop off one order and then they're done for the day. Louis bites his lips as they drive and he drums his fingers against his knee.

"What do you think about getting some sort of pet?" Louis asks randomly. Zayn gives him a strange look, but thinks about it.

"What kind of pet? I don't want a fucking cat or chihuahua," Zayn tells him. Louis laughs and shakes his head. He couldn't imagine Zayn with a chihuahua. The thought makes him laugh.

"No, no. Like a big dog or a snake or lizard," Louis tells him. Zayn shrugs and reaches over to the glove box, grabbing his smokes.

"Doesn't bother me. Want one?" he asks. Louis grabs a cigarette and places it in his mouth. He grabs the lighter and lights Zayns and his own. They puff away and let the smoke blow out their open windows.

"Okay, so we'll stop at the pet store after this. I think I want a dog," Louis tells him.

"Why don't we adopt? That way it's trained," Zayn tells him. Louis frowns and shakes his head.

"But it'll be old," he argues. Zayn shrugs and flicks the last of his cigarette out the window.

"Not all of them are old. I say we adopt," Zayn tells him. Louis just groans, but gives in. They drive further into town and meet at a local park. They wait for the guy to come and collect his order. It takes about ten minutes, but he eventually shows up. They chat for a bit and Louis slips him the bag discreetly. The guy stays and chats longer to make it less suspicious and then he's off.

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