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It's become a ritual for Louis. Every night he'll stay up until Harry falls asleep and then he'll whisper the quiet three words, kiss his head and then fall asleep too.

He likes to think Harry can get the message in his sleep and sometimes, when he wakes up in the morning he has this knowing sparkle in his eye.

Louis is awoken today by lips being pressed against the bare skin of his chest. He slowly peaks his eyes open and sees Harry looking up at him, all dimples and curls.

"Morning, Lou," he grins, his voice raspy from just waking up. Louis groans and shoves his head back down. If he gets up he has to go plan.

The night with Gemma was fun, as Harry said it would be. It took his mind off of everything, but now he's all business, all the time.

"You going to see your mom again today?" Louis asks, his eyes shut. He just wants to stay in bed. He's so tired of sitting and going over everything with Liam, Zayn and Niall.

"Yeah. I was thinking about going to school in January? Is that okay?" Harry asks timidly. Louis opens his eyes and looks down. Harry looks nervous and he plays with the blanket, not looking at Louis.

"Yeah of course. I think that's a good idea actually. You and your mom going to look?" Louis asks. His voice is soft because he knows Harry is scared to ask. He knows Harry has probably been yelled and cursed at for asking that question so Louis refuses to do it. Plus, it's a great idea.

"We are. Maybe look for a job too? If you don't mind, I don't have to," Harry tells him immediately. Louis sighs and shakes his head at Harry.

"If you want a job, get one. I'm not going to hold you back, Harry. I'm here to support you and your decisions," Louis tells. Harry smiles again - Louis really loves his smile - and he hops off the bed, leaving Louis cold.

"Thank you!" Harry cheers. It makes Louis smile fondly, but he tilts his head when Harry tries to kiss him. Harry pouts instantly and shrinks back, feeling hurt.

"Don't give me that look, Harold. We both have morning breath and it's gross," Louis complains. Harry snorts and rolls his eyes.

"But I want to give you a kiss," Harry complains. Louis huffs and swings his feet off the bed. He stretches and lets his muscles stretch and his bones crack, a yawn escaping him.

"Brush your teeth and I'll kiss you," Louis tells him. Harry rolls his eyes again, but walks into the washroom. Louis laughs and follows him. He jumps up on the counter and watches as Harry puts toothpaste on his brush.

"You better brush yours too, mister," Harry says, glaring at him. Louis laughs, but grabs his brush. They both brush their teeth and whenever Harry looks up Louis crosses his eyes, making the boy laugh. After their teeth are all cleaned Harry smirks and slips in between Louis' legs.

"Kiss me?" Harry asks. Louis leans forward, his lips millimeters from Harry's. Harry can smell his minty breath and feel it fan across his lips.

"I'm hungry," Louis says and then he pulls back and jumps off the counter. Harry watches him in disbelief and follows him into the room.

"Not fair!" he whines. Louis turns and sticks his tongue out, grinning triumphantly as he struts out of the room. Harry continues to pout, but grabs a pillow off the bed and whacks Louis with it.

"Liar," Harry says and then he whacks him again, trying not to laugh. Louis turns to him with raised brows, a serious look on his face. He moves to grab a pillow and Harry hits him again, smirking.

Louis makes it to the bed and grabs a pillow. He turns in one swift moment and whacks Harry in the face with it. Harry grunts, but hits Louis again. The two continue to have their pillow fight and Louis jumps on the bed, laughing and hitting Harry in the head repeatedly.

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