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The five boys stand from the booth, Liam throwing bills on the table. The place is still loud with chatter, but all eyes follow them to the door. Harry grips at Louis nervously and Nick eyes the two boys as they get closer.

"Cute," he sneers at their entwined hands. Louis flashes him an annoyed, fake smile.

The six leave the pub and walk into the parking lot. Louis can feel the gun he always carries and he knows the other three have theirs too. He knows they'll need them.

Nick breaks away and walks over to Brad. Matt is with them, but Jake isn't. Jake is at the bottom of the lake.

"I think you're missing someone," Louis points out. Brad clenches his jaw in irritation, but doesn't make a move to show any violence.

"I think you are too. Pretty brunette, great in bed," Brad smirks back. Louis feels bile rise in his throat and he's tempted to pull his gun, but he can't do it first.

"Why are you here?" Louis demands. Brad takes a step forward and looks over at Harry. Harry cowers behind Louis, still holding his hand.

"I came to take back what's mine," Brad informs him. Louis takes a deep breath when Brad says 'mine'. Louis is territorial and he doesn't share.

"I don't see anything that belongs to you," Louis says, giving Harrys hand a squeeze. The tension is thick and everyone is ready to pull their guns and shoot. Louis is in front of Harry protectively. He leans back into the boy and Harry leans closer.

"Grab my car keys out of my pocket. Be sneaky," Louis whispers to him. No one can hear, but Brad saw his lips moving and watches him curiously.

"What you saying?" he asks. Louis looks over at him with a smug smile, shrugging his shoulders.

"Just telling him I can fuck him better. I've heard about your small dick," Louis smiles. It's childish, but it gets under Brads skin - like Louis knew it would. Brad moves forward threateningly, but stops when he sees Liam holding out a gun.

"Take another step and I kill you," Liam tells him menacingly. Matt pulls his gun and points it at Liam. That causes Zayn, Niall and Nick to pull out theirs too. Louis and Brad both still gunless.

"This just turned interesting. Now, I'll let your little friends live if you give me my toy," Brad says. His voice is trying to be persuasive and threatening, but Louis just snorts and shakes his head.

"I'll give you my foot up your ass, but that's it," Louis growls. Brad laughs and starts to slowly walk closer. Louis tries to meet him, but Harry holds tight. The taller boy leans forward so his mouth is next to Louis' ear.

"I got the keys. Let's go," Harry whispers. Louis tries to remember Harry reaching into his pocket and can't seem to remember when that happened. The kid is quick.

"Are we going to pull guns Louis or are you going to fight like a man for once?" Brad asks teasingly. Louis is sick of this game and moves forward, ripping Harry's hands off his shirt. He gets nose to nose with Brad.

"Listen here, asshole, I will fucking kill you with my bare hands if I must. I'm sick of you showing your face around here and I'm sick of you talking about my boy like he's an object," Louis spits out. Brad pulls away and scans Louis' small body. He snickers and then shoves past him to Harry.

Louis goes to move forward, but feels a cold metal press against the back of his head.

"Move and I shoot," Matt whispers. Louis grits his teeth and watches as Brad runs his fingers down Harry's cheeks, making the boy flinch.

"You miss me right, babe?" Brad asks. Harry slouches down, but shakes his head defiantly.

"Not even a little," he snaps. Louis can't see Brads face, but he knows he's angry when his hand swings back and then slaps Harry in the face. Harry cries out for Louis, his cheek red and his eyes watery.

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